Saturday, December 4, 2021

Caturday Art


Well, da mommas (ok, MY momma and Bowie's momma) has been very busy doing Christmas decoratin. And even some Christmas baking! I'm still waiting on the catnip cookies though.

Today they finished up da outside lights.

Next up are da tree and da rest of da living room decorayshuns.

My room are already decorated up.

And we got to model our new bandanas da last couple days - they've got Christmas cookies on em. I wonder if these has nip in em,

Me and Bowie spent most of today napping - bet we are gettin ready for some nighttime shenanigans!

Here's da momma's Caturday art - it's beginning to look a lot like Catmas!

Grandpa's shoulder are still really painful - thanks everyone for all da purrs. 


  1. We sure hope that grandpa makes a full recovery in time for the big day — Bacontide, MOL Anyways, you all look like you are set to have some fun, and the bandana's are really cool. As to nip cookies, Mrs H would love to know the recipe, as sounds easier than nip mince pies!
    Great Santa art, and we love the finishing touch of holly on the nat.

  2. Your humans really do up the Christmast decorations! Meanwhile, here on the left coast, my human is having trouble just dealing with the tree! MOL!

  3. That is cute Christmassy art. I hope your grandpa is healing well.

  4. We hope your Grandpaw will be all better by Chrissymouse.
    Hope you get those catnip cookies...

  5. Looking good. We want catnip cookies too.

  6. Mmmm Cookies ! Purrs to Grampa that he can start to feel better.

  7. You all look great, and I like the drawing.

  8. Y'all look so happy back together again. We're sending more purrs to your Grandpa.

  9. Your bandanas are looking good! Hope you got some nip treats to match! And did you get bacon??

    Us angel kitties are purring hard for your Grandpa and Dad...and sprinkling a lot of that angle dust help him get through all the stuff with surgery and such like. We are pawyering for healing and relief of pain, too.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.