Saturday, July 9, 2022

Caturday Art


Well, da probiotic are still helping in da litter box department, but I has been refusing to eat AGAIN. I ate some breakfast, but won't touch my food even though I keep meowin at momma and actin like I want food. So I got another appetite stimulant tonite - she are frustrated becuz some days (like yesterday) I seem fine, and then I'm not. She's hoping I'll get over his before my appetite stimulant runs out.

Here are da momma's Caturday Art.


  1. Cute kitty art.
    Travis, if you don't start eating regularly again, we think the vet is going to have to take a look at you.

    When Minko wouldn't eat all those years ago, no matter what treatments we used...I started force feeding him with a little tiny spoon, like the ones they give ice cream samples with. She used his favorite pate, in a few flavors and she did that three times a day for the better part of three years. He thrived and gained weight...but he still would never eat on his own...but the rascal had enough crazies to still chew any and all cords he could find, LOL!
    She tried the syringe method, but that was nothing butt a big mess. All his meds went into the pate, too. (Prednisolone, probiotic, two kinds of acid reducers, alternating, and sometimes some appetite stimulant to see if he would eat on his own...nope! He got weekly shots of Vitamin B12 as well.

    1. Grandma has been threatening to come out to Lubbock and spoon-feed me. She had to do that with Bowie when he had that weird episode where he went blind.

  2. TBT changes our foods when we don't like them. It usually works.

    1. Well, I has got to be on certain foods due to my repeated urinary blockages. I has different flavors though and when I'm not in the mood to eat, I'll refuse them all.

  3. Just a thought. Did Travis stop eating after buying a new batch of food? At one time both E&F stopped eating and got the squirts. I bought more food but a different batch number and they were okay. There must have been something different in the first case or maybe bacteria. It does happen even though the pet food companies don't like to admit it.

    1. He has all different varieties, so we don't really think that's it. It's true though - food companies don't like to admit when they've got problems.

  4. Travis, We are furry worried about you! Please eat!

  5. I am sending alone some BIG purrs for you Travis.
    I really want you to eat and feel better.
    Purrs, Julie


  6. Hello,
    Could you please add my blog on your blog list.
    I've added yours on mine.
    Thank you

  7. We hope you feel better soon, Travis. Lovely art x

  8. Healing purrs. Maybe your Mom could add a teeny bit of Greek Yogurt to your meals. Socks always like it.

  9. Travis, we continue purrayers and Power of the Paw for you. We hope some of the hints given above could help. Maybe if you had Bowie and Angelique hovering around to scarf up what you didn't want it would encourage you too...that's what usually happens at our house.

    1. Yeah - I ate good when I was in Plano for a week and a half in June. Part of the reason why all of this is so confusing!

  10. Please eat! Hasthe vet looked at your teeth? Just wondering. I hope you have a full recovery soon. XO

    1. I had a vet visit back in March and my teeth were perfect then.

  11. Travis pal, you gotta eat. I wonder what tummy problems are going on sweet friend.

    1. It's confusing. The probiotics seemed to have solved the vomiting/diarrhea, but I still don't want to eat unless I have an appetite stimulant.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.