Saturday, August 31, 2019

Caturday Art

Happy Caturday!

We all got our bacon this morning - YUM!!!

I got high yesterday - real high. Maybe Bowie is on to something wif sleepin in da kitchen towel basket. It are pretty soft and cozy. 

Coating the kitchen towels in orange cat fur are just a side-benefit!

Now, we're ready for some football!

Hook 'em horns! Even Bowie is sporting a Texas bandana today - and he seems to be tolerating it pretty good.

Oh yeah, da Caturday art. Another drawing from my momma. 

Happy Caturday!


  1. You all look great! And yay for bacon!

  2. You kitties look very cool and fashionable! Wish we didn't have to live so far apart, so we could help you eat that bacon!


  3. Cool pics!

    We always love your mom's drawings :)

  4. Your momma does cute art.
    Glad you all got your bacon.

  5. Travis and Bowie, wishing you Happy Ginger Cat Day on September 1st! Cheers to you! You are two of my fav Ginger pals! Luvs.

  6. Great photos of all you cats. Bowie I think Mama is drawing you

  7. Hook 'em horns! You all look so sweet in your UT bandanas!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.