Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Fanks for all da Gotcha Day wishes yesterday! Now it time for selfies (and sossige!)

We hope these selfies help cheer your humans up if they are sad/mad like ours are. My momma and Angelique's momma went to the same high school as the racist piece of sh*t terrorist El Paso shooter. Dey are disgusted, but not surprised. Dey have STORIES.

We're just cute cats. We can't stop mass shootings. But maybe your humans CAN, if they demand it and VOTE. Do it for us, we don't have the ability to demand change.


  1. Happy Gotcha Day! My prayers to all those affected by these awful shootings. XO

  2. Those are great selfies. It’s a sad world we live in...this stuff has got to stop.

  3. The selfies were great! And don't be upset that a bad person came from a place you know of. It happens. They have to come from SOMEWHERE after all. Really good Beins come from SOMEWHERE too. It seems a bit random...

  4. We do think we cats and dogs should vote, after all, it affects us all, too.
    We are with you all in spirit and sentiment, and hopes that more beautiful selfies, like yours, help cheer the world. . .

  5. My human feels pretty hopeless right now. It's a good thing we had a therapy cat visit today, to help take her mind off the news.

  6. My thoughts go to all of those affected by the shootings. I saw on the news that there was another in Ohio less than 24 hours later. It has to be stopped!
    Your selfies are lovely.

  7. I'm glad you had a great GOTCHA DAY Travis. You were lucky to "get gotted" by that family of yours - you definitely landed in the right home - good eating, lots of loving - what more can we ask for?!

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. Happy belated gotcha day Travis!

  9. Sowwy we missed your gotcha day Travis. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!
    Many returns my friend

  10. EEEKKKK!! Yore Meowyss' mew THE bad shooter? That iss furry scarey! Wee inn Catnada are followin what iss happinin inn America an wee furry sad.
    Wee herd on our mews that a shooter shotted a bunch of peepell inn Toronto a BIG city 'bout 4 hourss away from us. Iss not safe even upss here!
    Wee need peepell inn power to outlaw gunss….they kill :(
    Thanx fore yore lovelee Selfiess...they are all way so lovelee.
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  11. hay wearz R commint cyber space


  12. Your selfies cheered all of us up! Humans need to vote smarter!

  13. Cute selfies. I am glad that nut didn't go crazy in school and harm your mommas. XO

  14. Happy (belated) Gotta Day!!!
    You ALWAYS cheers us up!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  15. Good advice Travis - we all need to contact our lawmakers whether by email, letter, petition or in person and let them know this has got to stop. Power to the People! POTP!

  16. @pilch92 - Fanks, it are just so sad.
    @The Island Cats - Agreed.
    @Mark's Mews (Ayla, Iza, and Marley) - Momma's just not shocked - there were some good people there, but there wuz also a certain attitude of entitlement and some real nastiness.
    @Erin the Cat Princess - We'd probably end up wif better leaders if we did vote.
    @Summer - It's good that y'all got to do that. My momma's pretty pessimistic about all of it. So many people seem to accept the racism and violence we're seeing and not care.
    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Yeah, it wuz just 13 hours later.
    @Pam and Teddy - Yeah, I picked a good human. ;)
    @C.L.W.STEP - Fanks!
    @Timmy Tomcat - Fank you!
    @Brian - Fanks!
    @Sherri-Ellen T-D. - Da mommas didn't know da shooter - he graduated from da same high school, but he graduated in 2017. Dey graduated in 2005 and 2008.
    @da tabbies o trout towne - Da internet monsters musta eaten it!
    @Lola The Rescued Cat - Agreed!
    @pilch92 - Well, he's about 10 years younger, so he wuzn't in school wif em. But he did live really close to us - it coulda been a Walmart in our town.
    @Julie - Fanks!
    @Catscue Catmom - Yeah, we need to VOTE too, especially if ya has lawmakers who aren't gonna do anything (like we do, sigh)


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.