Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Selfies (Day 18 of My Captivity)

My unjust imprisonment continues. I yowl and yowl, but so far the Innocence Project has not taken may case. Is is discrimination becuz I am a cat? Or is it becuz I am orange? 


Bowie comes to visit me, but so far I can not get him to figger out how to use the zipper to free me. Somefin about his lack of opposable thumbs. Excuses, excuses.    

And while I am locked up? Angelique and Bowie are getting all these tasty noms while I am forced to subsist on this "urinary health" food. Now I ask you this - does a food with "urinary" in the description sound good to you?? Angelique and Bowie are getting all this speshul Tiki Cat noms and sometimes I can smell it and it makes me yowl more. I get a taste of it, but mostly it is the urinary health food. AKA prison slop.

Despite my circumstances, I still managed to look cute in my selfie. Cute enuf for some head rubs, but not the hours I deserve.

Bowie's shaved leg is still showing in his selfie, but it is starting to grow back.

Angelique posed on her bed for her selfie. How I miss beds. Momma says I have a week and a half of jail left. For a crime I didn't commit!


  1. Awww, Travis, soon you will be out of there...though we imagine its anything but soon enough for on earth are you going to be on those rations later when the others get 'the good stuff'??

    Bowie, you look good and so happy you are well again!
    Angelique, well...lets just say the glam continues!!

    1. Well, I usually eat in my room, so momma can feed me in there. But since I'm going to get some of the other food everyone else is getting (high-quality Tiki Cat and Weruva from an approved low-carb, low-phosphorus list), it'll be ok if I eat some of Bowie's or Angelique's leftovers.

  2. Nice selfies! Travis, I don't know what to tell you...

    1. I know, I are a whiner. But a month of jail time is tuff.

  3. Cute selfies! Prison, or 'stir' or 'porridge' as we call it here, just doesn't come with nice wholsome food. Mrs H says just be thankful you're not made to crush rocks (I assume she means make litter?) or licence plates (cat tags?) Maybe you could get the guys to slip you a mouse or two?

  4. Great selfies. We're sorry you have to have prison slop while everyone else gets yummier noms.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Dang, that just doesn't seem right Travis!

  6. Life is Hekk for you, Travis, but you're getting better. And when you are, we will all have reason to celebrate. Hurry up, buddy. We really need a reason to celebrate!

  7. That's almost three weeks now! Isn't that long enough? Hang in there, and hopefully you'll get sprung soon!

  8. yur selfeez bee awesum guyz ....N travis...urinareez knot sew bad act shoo a lee dood....we eatz it everee day... ☺☺♥♥

    1. Yeah, it are really not so bad. But dat Tiki Cat are somefin speshul.

  9. That is a long stretch that you are in for, but it will pass.

  10. Travis, years ago we had a cat (Clover- "unadoptable and mean" she was labelled Ha!) who was on a urinary diet and even the vet admitted it was awful tasting. Believe it or not they have made it better tasting than it was 15 + years ago. Hang in there !

    1. I are trying. It are just tuff to be locked up for so long.

  11. Oh Travis I know all of us hope your incarceration won't last much longer and you can get back to your favorite nap spots and fun with your family. Hang in there dood.

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. At least I'll be free for Thanksgiving. And turkey stealing.

  12. Travis, don't you even get time off for good behaviour? That is SO unfair!

  13. 10 more days of confinement - hang in there (as if you have a choice). That's a stunning photo of Bowie, and you can barely notice his shaved paw.

  14. Doing hard time is for bad humans, but not for pussycats that are ALWAYS innocent. Maybe Bowie and Angelique could protest in your favor? Hugs.


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