Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Selfies

No bacon breakfast dis mornin (we got some yesterday), but da peeps has been talkin barbequed chikken for dinner tonite, which sounds promisin.  Hopefully dere will be some chikken livers in dere for us, since my momma luvs barbeque chikken and it might be tuff to get her to share.

Hope ya get somefin tasty tonite too!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

My Liebster Award

My doggie pal Finley gave me dis here Liebster Award - fanks so much Finn!  I wish ya would gimme some of dat tasty chikken ya had for breakfast instead, but I'll take da award anyways.  MOL!

Ok, Finley says dat da award has got some rules:

1.  Acknowledge and accept da Liebster Award by leavin' a comment on da blog where ya wuz nominated.
2.  Copy and paste da Liebster Award logo onto yer own blog.
3.  Link back to da blogger(s) who awarded ya.
4.  Answer 11 questchuns posed to ya by da person who nominated ya.
5.  List 11 random facts bout yourself.
6.  Nominate and link 3-11 other blogs ya enjoy.
7.  List 11 questchuns for yer Liebster Award nominees on yer blog.
8.  Inform yer nominees by leavin' a comment on der blog.

Ok, so I guess I are gonna start wif Finley's queshtuns.

1.  Duz ya like to watch da tv?  Duz ya have any favorite kinda shows or movies?
I like sports.  Dat are bout da only thing I's been caught watchin - football and basketball.  Guess it are all da lil guys runnin round, only momma says in real life dey is not so lil.
2.  Duz ya react to da doorbell on tv-- like bark if ya is a dog, or run and hide if yer a kitty or squawk if ya is a burd??
I don't really react to da doorbell, but sometimes I will run and hide when you and Whitley get to barkin at da TV doorbell, MOL!
3.  Duz ya imitate any other animal... like try to sound like anuther cat or dog ya lives wiff or an entirely different animal than ya is?
YUP!  I has got a huge range of meows, I perfected da loud Jezebel MRRROW when she wuz still here.  And Maurice's calmer meows.  I's copied Crockett's raspy kinda meow and even Angelique's lil high-pitched girly mew.  I can even sound like 2 (or more) cats havin a cat fight - all by myself.  I hasn't tried barkin yet - momma says Maurice did dat a couple times.  And I can baaa like a sheep too.
4.  Duz ya likes to "talk"... just bark or grumble or meow or chirp or whutevfur likes ya is tryin' to take to yer folkses and dey is too dumb to unnerstand ya?
Yeah, I luvs talkin.  I meow all da time.  Momma says I's a loudmouth.  I says, takes one to know one.
5.  Duz ya has a favorite food?  How duz ya gits it?  Duz ya put on a certain face or beg or whut?
Well, bacon are my most favorite, but I also luvs sossidge, shrimp, crab, chikken, fish, ham, butter, cheese, eggy weggy, well, all kindsa stuff really.  To gets it, I either just steals it or I puts on my cute lil squee-face and meow.  Da humans are a sucker for squee-face, speshully when I combines it wif standin up on my hind legses and beggin.

6.  Duz ya have a favorite person?  (It's okay, ya can tells us...) 
Well, my favoritest person are momma.  After all, she are da one who sits next to da bacon-receivin tower.  MOL!  Next up are Crockett's momma, she cooks da bacon and gives some pawsome head rubs.
7.  Are dere any pupperazis -- camera nuts-- dat ya lives wiff?  Duz ya need to be bribed fur posin?
Uh, I believe ya has met my momma, right Finley?  She are da camera nutso, everyday she insists on pickshures.  Sometimes I get treats after posin time.  But I can't be baited wif em like da pupses can cuz I'll go all nutso and not be still.
8.  Duz ya like to wear clothes?
I'll admit it, I does.  I likes wearin bandanas, fancy collars, and hats.  I hasn't worn much else besides dat, but I does like lookin good.  After all . . . 

9.  Duz ya have a favorite kinda music?
I likes country music.  Well, wif a name like Travis Ford, what did ya eggspect?  George Strait, Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, yeah, dat's my speed.  But as ya can tell from above, I luvs me some rock too.
10.  Duz ya have any animalsibs and which one is yer fave and why?
Well, Whitley are my sister since we both belong to my momma, I guess Angelique are techinically my cuzzin since my momma and hers are sisters and I guess Crockett and Finley are my uncle and aunt??  But dat are confuseratin, so I'll just say deys all my brofurs and sisfurs.  And I luvs em all, but Crockett are my favorite.  We got dat orange mancat bond.  Ya know, bros before . . . as my pal Charlie would say, tarts.
11.  Duz ya evfur wish ya had a Super Power?  And if ya duz, whut would it be and why?
All da time.  I'd wish for telekinesis, da abilitee to move stuff wif my mind.  Da possibilities for endless bacon . . . .

Now for da 11 random facts:

1.  My middle name are Ford.  It wuz my name at da rescue.  My siblings all got lushury car names like Beemer, Jaguar, and Audi.  I wuz Ford.  Luckily, da only kinda car my momma's ever had are Mustangs, so she wuz happy to add another Ford to her colleckshun.
2.  I luv makin biskits.  I does it every night on momma.  I's made biskits on Whitley da pup before too.  And of course on my fleecey blankey.
3.  Every night I meows at momma endlessly while she are gettin ready for bed.  I want to make sure she don't forget my whole can of Fancy Feast I gets every night.
4.  I luvs groomin da udder kitties.  And Crockett is always gettin food on his head, so it are a win-win for me.
5.  I are my momma's third orangie.  Da firstest one wuz Bevo, way back when she wuz a lil girl.  And she had Charlie before me.  I guess she likes us orangies, and Crockett's momma must too!  He are number four for da family.
6.  I luvs to make Happy Buddha Face where I grin wif my eyes closed.
7.  Crockett and Angelique can occayshunally be finicky wif dere food, but I's never met food I didn't like.  Da udder day, I got caught rippin into some bagels and some parmesan bread da mommas brought home from da grocery store.  I got in trubbull, but it wuz worth it.
8.  I's never bitten or scratched anyone.  Evfur.  Dis are why everyone at da vet's office luvs me.
9.  I's been known to eat some weird stuff.  Besides da bagels dat are.  Like curlin ribbon and Easter grass.  So no Easter grass dis year round dis house.
10.  I's tried to steal momma's cocktails before.  Hey, a margarita sounds tasty to me!
11.  I wuz named after William Barret Travis, commander of Alamo.

I are nominatin:

1.  Pipo
2.  Summer
3.  Levon
4.  Boomer
5.  Preslee
6.  Austin
8.  Cody
9.  Georgia
10.  Ernie
11.  Marty

And dese are my questuns:

1.  What are yer favoritest toy?  Nip stuffies, crunchie balls, da bird on da wand, balls, track toys??
2.  Does ya evfur gets peep food?  How does ya goes about gettin it?  I are always lookin for new strategeries.
3.  How does ya feel bout pupses?
4.  Who are yer famous cat role model?  Garfield, Bucky Katt, Grumpy Cat, well, who are it?
5.  Are ya a finicky eater or a gobbler?
6.  What are da most embarassin thing ya has evfur done?
7.  Has ya ever eaten a weird non-food item?  Whut wuz it?
8.  How do ya deal wif da pawpurrazzi??
9.  Does ya keep your secrematary company while dey duz your typin for ya?
10.  How do ya feel bout water?  Duz ya like it, hate it, or wanna play in it?
11.  Who are your BFF?

Ok, I think dat are all I gots to do!  Now, it are photo time . . . 

P.S. We gots our bacon today, it wuz a good Caturday!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Angelique are turnin into a real selfie eggspert - look at dat pose!

Crockett wanted to make sure y'all knew just cuz he turned one doesn't mean da razzberries are gonna stop.  MOL!  I think dis wuz his opinion on da lack of bacon dis mornin.  We all lined up in our baconatin posishuns - and nuffin.  Ok, not nuffin, we all got some scrambly eggy weggy, which wuz tasty, but not bacon tasty.  Get to da grocery store mommas!

I are tryin out a new angle for my selfie, do y'all like dis semi-profile?  I got my nails trimmed last night and I wuz not a happy kitty bout dat one.  Guess I shouldn't have tried to sharpen my claws on Crockett's daddy's speakers right in front of my momma . . .

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy Caturday and My Birfday Recap....

Well, today I, Crockett, is doin' today's post. Furst of all, HAPPY CATURDAY!!!  Here's our photos for this Caturday....

Here I is, 1year, 1 day old...

Here's Travis.. he's wearin' da colors of UCLA... da Bruins already won der game today... dey is in da Sweet Sixteen!!! Now we's watchin' to see if my Daddy's Wildcats will make it... I finks Travis likes to wear da bandanas.... all dat clothes wearin' of Whitley's musta worn off on him...

Here's Angelique... lookin' above it all.... as usual....mol!

Guess y'all saw Travis' post about my birfday yesterday and all da photos... but last night my Momma made me and my kitty buddies a special treat fur my birfday.... shrimp!

My bowl is da green one... cuz it wuz my birfday so's I got da mostest! Well, actually, me and Travis got evfun more cuz fur some reason or da udder, Angie ran off wiffout eatin' her shrimpies... you can bet me and Trav dinn't make dat mistake! 'Specially after we had gone to all the trubble of singin' fur our supper!!! 

Yep, dat's me and Travis beggin' fur shrimpies while my Momma wuz cuttin' 'em up... mol!! 

Hey, it werks. Try it. Dey can'ts resist da cute beggin' squee faces.. guarandamnteed to werk!

I had a great birfday... fanks to everyfur who wished me a happy birfday.... it were real nice of y'all...

Y'all come back, now! Ya hear?

Crockett da Rocket, King of da Razzberries....

Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy birthday Crockett!

Today are Crockett's first birthday!  Happy birthday buddy!

He scored pretty good - he got some of those bouncy plastic balls (he luvs whappin em round da kitchen) from his momma.  She also got him some catnip wine toys.

Ya can tell he wuz gettin after it.

He's even been sharin his toys wif us - what a pawsome birthday guy.  And he knew da way to Angelique's heart was wif da wine - dat are da Frenchies for ya.

My momma gave him a Bento box filled wif catnip sushi toys.

Y'all knew Crockett couldn't celebrate wifout a razzberry . . . 

We got a TON of cheezy kitty treats dis mornin and I heard roomors bout sossidge tonite.  And some kinda speshul treat for da three of us - I wonder what it are gonna be!

Happy birthday Crockett, here's to many more years of da Razzberry Kitten!

Da mommas abandoned us for a lil bit to go to DFW Fiber Fest and dey came back wif tons of yarn.  Which dey say are not one of Crockett's birthday toys - yeah right, MOL!

Oh, and just cuz I didn't want y'all to miss seein my face, here I are all dressed up for March Madness yesterday . . .

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I wuz actually really happy to get to wear da hat today - I guess I wanted to get my Irish on.

Crockett are thinkin dat da hat deserves a razzberry.  Or dat we shoulda gotta bacon for wearin it.  Dey eats bacon in Ireland, right?  Yeah, so we shoulda celebrated wif bacon . . .

Angelique wuz not too happy bout da hat - sayin she are French and not even a redhead like me and Crockett so she shouldn't have to wear it.  Be careful Angie, or else my momma are gonna stick a beret on ya on Bastille Day.  MOL MOL!  Hmmm, I bet I'd look pretty dapper in a beret . . .

Now to find out where da green beer are . . .

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Well, da peeps made up for da TRAVISty of a baconless Caturday by makin some today.  And it wuz delishus.

Crockett knows his tongue has a lotta fans, so he decided to go wif da mega-razzberry today.  I think he wuz taste-testin da air to see if it tasted like bacon.  It kinda did.

Angelique ran off in da middle of her selfie-seshun and went and hid.  So she missed out on bacon.  Da rule round here are - ya snooze, ya lose.  Don't worry though, me, Crockett and da pupses ate her share of da bacon.  She came back in just a couple minutes too late.  But dat are not why she are makin dat face.  Dat face wuz becuz Crockett's momma wuz makin dis funny pig snort noises.  I guess dey scared Angie.  I wuz just hopin it meant dat dere wuz a piggy in da house - dat woulda meant more bacon!

But don't feel too bad for Angie for missin out on bacon, we all got some cheezy kitty treats after our selfie photos wuz done, so she wuz not too deprived.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Slumber Pawty

So last night, me and Angelique had a slumber pawty.  My momma fed all three of us before she wuz goin to bed, den Angelique darted into our room and hid under da bed.  And she, being a stubborn girlcat, are not real big on comin when my momma are callin her.  So my momma just gave up and lied down - figurin dat if Angelique's momma wanted her, she could wake up and go get her.

Den Angelique came out and crawled right on top of my momma to sleep.  Guess she approved of all da cat treats my momma wuz handing out yesterday!

One thing none of us approved of wuz da lack of bacon dis mornin.  Da mommas (well, mine and Crockett's) made donuts instead - and dey didn't even share wif us!

Crockett are givin a mini-razzberry of disapproval bout dat situmayshun.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Crockett got his baff interrupted for a selfie - look at how crazy his furs are lookin!

I'm waitin for bacon, but momma says I'm gonna be waitin a long time since da peeps are doin cinnamon pecan coffee cake dis mornin instead.  BORING!  Dey better do somefin good for dinner.

Angelique are not pleased wif dis lack of bacon.