Meowy Catmas y'all!
Well, we mostly had a good Catmas.
We had new tropicat Christmas bandanas to celebrate.
Da power did go out for about 2 hours tonite. It probably irritated da humans more than us, but I are happy da Catmas lights are back on.
Speaking of lights . . .
Santa came for da humans. But more importantly, Santa came for US!
I did pretty good - lotsa nip here!
And look at da haul we got from our Secret Paws, Buckwheat, Dixie, and Calvin.
Wow, look at all these toys!
I don't think we know where to start, MOL.
Hmmm, these rainbow ones look interesting . . .
Well, at nine and a half, I am not too old for some wand action.
I gave it a good bitey.
Bonham really got after dat feather wand - look at him go!
Angelique also scored.
She's getting lost in all her toys!
Hey look, we finally toppled A Christmas tree, MOL.

Bowie wuz sneaking a peak looking for his toys.
Meanwhile, Bonham wuz really enjoying his.
He wanted to lick the feather toys - da humans have never seen anything like it, but he wuz definitely having fun.
Da mommas wuz really happy to see him enjoy toys - welcome to da Lone Star Cats Christmas lil dude!
Ya can lick away all ya want.
Bowie wuz happy to finally get his toys.
I'm betting da nippy nana are gonna get some good kicks later.
Meowy Catmas!!