So a couple weeks ago, we got nominated by our pals over at
The Critters in the Cottage to do da Eight Photos of Happiness challenge. Fanks y'all! And we finally meowed my lazy momma into doing it!
Here are da guidelines of dis challenge . . .
1. Fank your nominator(s) and link dem to da post.
2. Link to da creator of da tag,
Ariel's Little Corner of the Internet. Ok, done!
3. Post your eight photos of happiness.
4. Pop in a brief descripshun of da photo, why ya chose it, or just let da photo do da talkin. Like I'd shut up and let anything talk for me!
5. Spread da happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers!
Ok, so here are our photos . . .
Dis are my beggin face. I wuz beggin for sossidge here, but I use da same face for bacon, shrimps, chikken, ham, well, ya names it. And yup, I got my sossidge, so my beggin face works. And beggin for noms (and gettin em!) makes me real happy!
Me and Crockett enjoyin a mancat-bathin seshun. Havin a best fried to take baffs wif makes me happy.
Y'all know bacon makes us happy (we got some today!) and Crockett wuz real happy to get to snoopervise da baconatin dis day.
The three of us lined up in baconatin posishuns. Yup, nuffin like gettin bacon to make all three of us happy!
Havin a best pal mancat to snuggle wif makes both me and Crockett real happy.
Christmas lights make me real happy too. I are a bit nutso for em, momma thinks I had too much fun wif da red dot toy as a kitten which made me kinda obsessed wif blinkin lights. I luv when da Christmas lights go up and luv starin at em!
Angelique luvs da fevver toys and dey make her a real happy girl. This one are almost as floofy as her!
And of course, we know Crockett's razzberries make da Cat Blogosphere and Blogville happy, so we had to include one!
We're taggin . . .
Pipo and Minko
Cathy Keisha
Katie Isabella
Austin Towers
The Island Cats
Charlie Rascal