Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Meowloween!

Well, it's Meowloween and we already got some treats - we got HAM dis morning!  Yummmm!  Dis year I dressed up as a pirate - yup, dat's right, I are CAPTAIN Travis Sparrow.  Avast ye hearties, let's plunder da fridge for some bacon!

Angelique are wearin da witch hat and she wuz not happy about it.  She makes a good witch, but wif da bloods drawn, maybe she shoulda gone as a vampire instead.

And we finally figgered out why Crockett sticks his tongue out all da time, it's da ganja mon!  Jamaica, we got a raspberry cat!

Happy Meowloween pals!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Happy TockTober!

Well, TockTober are winding down, and we didn't wanna miss it.  Crockett's got some medium fluffy tocks.  And he wuz playin it a bit demure today.

Angelique are doing her Kardashian-pose - an emfasis on da tocks, but she also managed to look at da camera.  But her tocks are so fluffy dat ya can't really see a thing!

And me, I'm showin it all!  In fact, we has a speshul expresshun for it round here when one of us kitties decides to show it all like dis.  Years and years ago, long before any of us wuz even alive, da mommas read an online comment about a certain real estate mogul turned reality star turned presidenshul candidate.  Yup, we's talkin Trump, well dis wuz before da presidenshul stuff, but it wuz back when he had his reality show.  And we's not talkin bout his hair, but his mouth, which somebody said reminded dem of "a cat's anus."  Well, my peeps had to agree dat wuz what his mouth looked like.

And ever since den, da peeps has called it "showin off da Trump" when we stick our butts in dere faces.  Stuff like "I don't wanna see your Trump" or "get your Trump outta my face" is what we hear round here.  And dis ain't a pawlitical statement, ya know we luvs all our pals, whether ya are Trump fans or whether ya would smell what comes outta my Trump instead listen to da Donald.  But his presidenshul run has caused some eggstra laffs round here, just for dat reason.  Dey can't look at him wifout thinkin "cat butt mouth."  And we hope all of y'all will think it too, and get a giggle out dat pawlitical stuff from now on.  MOL MOL!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Crockett are only givin da tiniest of razzberries today -  maybe he are worried dat his tongue would get cold in dis fall weather we's havin.

No bacon today and da peeps didn't even share dere donuts!!

We's been runnin round like three crazy cats today - guess da cooler weather will do dat.  Or da barometrical preshure change of somefin.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Wet Caturday

We are havin a wet Caturday here.  It shure makes us three glad we is inside where we is warm and dry.

Yeah, dat are Angelique being glad.  You're just gonna have to take me word for it, MOL!

And ya know what is best about a wet Caturday?  Even better dan Crockett curlin his tongue??

Yup, dat are right - BACON!!!  I wish all 7 of dem pieces wuz for me, but I had to share one piece wif Crockett, Angie, and da pups.  It wuz still delishus though!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Fangs, Fashun, and Flood

Miss Angie are showin off her pearly white fangers.  I guess she are gettin ready for Meowloween, maybe she are plannin on going as Catcula.

Me, I'm wearin da Meowloween bandana.  Although after I had to get my nails trimmed dis morning, I wuz ready to use my fangs.  I wuz a good boy and didn't - I think I deserve some eggstra treats since momma didn't end up bloody and she deserved it.  I mean, how am I sposed to fight wif Angelique over Crockett's affeckshuns if I has had my daggers taken away?   It are unfair!

Crockett are givin a razzberry to all da rain we has been havin.  We's havin tons of storms here - we even got da sunroom a lil flooded (luckily da peeps brought a shop vac after last May's flooding, so it wuzn't too big of a problem).  But all dis rain means no sunpuddles, and dat definitely deserves a razzberry.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Well, we wuz abandoned again dis weekend - da momma's went down to see my momma's grandparents (Crockett's momma's parents) dis weekend.  Da dogs got to go, but we stayed at home.  If ya wants to read bout da trip, ya can read Whitley's blog - I'm protestin my baconless weekend by not writin bout it here.

It wuz a baconless weekend, which are a TRAVISty, but today wuz good.  We got to open our toys we won from our pals at 15 and Meowing.  Dere momma makes da pawsomest crow-shayed nip toys - we all posed wif em den we gots to playin!

Crockett gives em da razzberry of approval.

Angelique tried to claim da turkey leg.

Ya can sniffs it all ya want Angie, but ya ain't gettin to take dat one off to your room!

Thanks so much for da toys - we's been enjoyin em and carryin em round everywhere!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Honest Kitchen Wishes Icelandic Haddock Filets from Chewy!

Hey y'all!  Does ya likes my serious face?  Well, I got seriously tasty treat to review from Chewy.  Dis month we got to test out The Honest Kitchen Wishes Icelandic Haddock Fillets.

Crockett obviously are gettin his tongue ready for taste-testin.

Angelique musta been able to smell da fishy goodness right through da box!

The Honest Kitchen Wishes Icelandic Haddock Fillets have just one ingredient - dehydrated wild-caught Haddock from Iceland using sustainable fishing practices.  And dey are packed in a human food facility wif 100% human-grade ingredients in da USA.

Let's ignore da part dat says dat da treats are good for cats AND dogs.  Da dogs get enuf treats as it is.  Dese are OURS!

The fish filets are quite big - I tried to convince my momma dat she could just gimme da whole thing, but she insisted on breakin off pieces for us to eat.  Ok, it made da chewin easier, but I wouldn't have been opposed to da extra work if I could have had all of dat fishy goodness.

But I sure enjoyed what I got.

Crockett liked da treats too!

And Angie liked em too - once she decided to stop hidin from my momma!

We's givin The Honest Kitchen Wishes Icelandic Haddock Fillets 12 paws up and a razzberry!  And Chewy gets purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dis tasty treat!  Now come on momma, let me have a whole fillet!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gets free treats??

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Angelique even makes selfies look glam.

I went for a nose close-up today.

And Crockett stuck wif da razzberry - I guess when you've got winnin formula, you keep it up!

Fanks for da POTP and purrs for my woofie sisfur Whitley.  She's still not able to walk, but at least da tummy problems have cleared up.  Which is good becuz dat wuz STINKY and she's not litterbox trained!!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Bacon and Football

Happy Caturday y'all!  Round here, Caturday means bacon and football and we's enjoyin both today.  Crockett's momma made some tasty bacon and pumpkin pancakes.  I didn't get none of da pancakes, but I did get some bacon, and it wuz delishus!  And Texas Longhorns is winnin, so da peeps is yellin at da TV, but it are da happy kinda yellin.

Crockett wuz taste-testin da air wif a razzberry while da bacon wuz cookin.  MOL!  He are always wearin UT colors, MOL!

And Angelique are doing da glamour thing again.  Kinda hard to believe Miss Glamour Puss also hacked up a hairball on da kitchen table dis morning - she doesn't look like da type, but when da hairball is gray and you's da long-haired gray and white kitty, ya kinda can't blame an orange brofur.  Even though she tried.  MOL!

If y'all could send some POTP to my woofie sisfur Whitley, I'd appree-she-ate it.  She's been havin trubble walkin lately and now can't even stand.  And now she has tummy problems on top of it all.

Fanks so much!