Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Meowloween!

Happy Meowloween!  We decided to keep it simple wif our costumes - leave all dat elaborate stuff to da dogs.  We also decided to go wif a pawlitical theme . . . 

Dat are right, me and Crockett are BAD HOMBRES!!

And Angelique are a NASTY WOMAN!

I coulda said somefin rude bout no costume required there, but I didn't.  So I deserve eggstra treats I thinks.

Happy Meowloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Crockett did a tongue selfie - big surprise there.  I wonder if he is tryin to be Gene Simmons or Miley Cyrus for Meowloween.

Ya should see da costumes da mommas is makin for da dogs - dey are highlarious!!

Angie's just glad dat all she'll have to wear is a hat.  MOL!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Happy Nashinul Cat Day!

Happy Nashinul Cat Day!  Da three of us are kinda of da opinion dat EVERY day should be Cat Day, but hey, we'll take any eggscuse for sell-a-bratin we can get.

Our day definitely started off rite - wif a bacon breakfast!  Dat's how ya sell-a-brate kittehs!

And da day just kept gettin better!

Da pawsome peeps at Cat Claws sent us these catnip comet balls to sell-a-brate da day wif!

Crockett took a big ol whiff of dat nip.  

Obviously pretty good stuff.

Angie wanted to inhale da nip too.

Den she went in for da princess pose wif da toy.  Of course.

And me?  I got to work on it right away!

Nuffin like a good bitey.

Den da nip hit.

Yeah, dat's some good stuff.  Chronic even, MOL!

Anyways, Cat Claws has some udder pawsome toys - since dese catnip comet balls were such a hit, we just mite be havin to put in an order for Catmas.  Hint hint momma.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Whisker Lickin's Chicken and Cheese Treats from Chewy!

We gets to do our Chewy review today!  Dis month, we got to try out da Whisker Lickin's Chicken and Cheese Soft and Delicious cat treats.

Chikken???  Cheeze???  Sounds pawsome to me.  Crockett's tongue are already hangin out in anti-sip-payshun.

Even Angelique kept her claws to herself for da promise of dese tasty treats.

We couldn't wait to try da Whisker Lickin's Chicken and Cheese Soft and Delicious cat treats - I mean look at how happy dat kitty are on da package!

Each treat has less dan 2 calories - so I think we can ignore dat part about only 10 treats a day, right momma??  And dey are made in da USA.

Even the shapes are cute - hearts, cheese slices, and chikken drumsticks.  And dey duz have a soft texture.

Princess Angelique posed wif hers furst.

Not me - I got right to eatin!

The three of us couldn't get enuf!!  Definitely Whisker Lickin' good!!

We's givin da Whisker Lickin's Chicken and Cheese Soft and Delicious cat treats 12 paws up and happy kitty purrs!  Chikken and cheeze - ya can't go wrong there!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese tasty treats!  Now, where did my momma hide dat bag??

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots all dese treats?  Are I right or are I right??

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Better late dan never right???

At least da bacon wuzn't late dis weekend.  And I think I'm finally over being mad at my momma for Kinley comin to live wif us - I is back to gettin into da bed at nite and gettin all my nitetime pets.  And da DOG still has to sleep in da crate.  MOL!

Angelique let da claws fly today - literally!  One of em got stuck in my momma's hands.  Yikes!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Happy TockTober!

Well, today is TockTober day and we's all celebratin!

Now, round dis house, we has a speshul word for a certain part of our tocks - we wrote bout it last year.  And while our family didn't originally have a pawlitical message attached to the eggspresshun, well, if da cat's butthole fits . . . MOL!  So yeah, I is flashing my "Trump" today.

Angie are being a lil bit more of a lady and givin a side of view of her fluffy tocks.

And Crockett are lettin it all show as he eats a morning snack!  Happy TockTober!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Hey y'all!  Well, today wuz a better day for us - da mommas came through wif da BACON!  And it wuz delishus!!

I keep tryin to convince momma dat I need two breakfasts - for some reason, she duzn't think I needs anudder serving 10 minutes after my furst.  Hasn't dis woman ever heard of dubble breakfast???

Y'all wanna hear somefin else crazy?  Da mommas ordered from Pizza Hut last nite and my momma passed on da oppurrtunitee to get bacon-stuffed crust.  What da meow???  And not only did she pass on it, she actually said "ew."  Somefin are very wrong wif her - she didn't even get sossidge or pepperonis on her pizza!!

In udder news, today are Nashinul Feral Cat Day.  All three of us wuz adopted from Feral Friends, a local rescue that does a lot of work wif and for feral kittehs.  And our Angelique wuz born in a feral colony.  We know most of our readers already know all about the importance of feral cats and TNR (trap-neuter-release), but it's always a good reminder and a good time to spread awareness.  While most ferals won't ever be a housecat like we are, dey all deserve a good quality life.  So if ya can, do somefin for your local feral kittehs.