Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Us kittehs were so sad to hear about Easy this morning - we're sending his family purrs and prayers.  

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Selfies

We had a pretty good weekend - we got fed some of da turkey on Fanksgivin, and den it wuz my momma's birfday yesterday.

She had crab for brekkyfast AND dinner, and as much as we tried meowin, she didn't share.

Yeah, kinda ridiculamous really.  But at least we is still gettin leftover burd, so we ain't too depraved. Or deprived, MOL.

She coulda let us have some of dat crabbycakes eggs bennydict.

Or dat king crab.  Just lookin at it are makin me hungry all over again.

We didn't even get da oppurrtunitee to launch into da cake since Crockett's momma put it in a cake saver right away.  Le sigh.

Well, at least my momma had a pretty good birfday.  Even if she hasn't learned how to share in 30 years.

Pee Ess: We wanted to share dese Cyber Monday deals from deals wif y'all:

  • Use the code "BF16" to receive 20% off your entire purchase beginning Black Friday (11/25) and running through the weekend (11/27).
  • Use the code "CM16" to receive 20% off your entire purchase on Cyber Monday.
  • Customers can purchase a bag of catnip for $0.01 (limit of 1 bag of catnip per order) from 11/25-11/28.  Customers must add the order to their shopping cart (item #9612).

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanks Blogville!

Happy Thanksgiving!  We're so thankful for Blogville and all of our pawsome pals we've made - we luv bein pals wif all ya kitties, pupses, bunnies, donkeys, crabses, rabbits, burds, well, everybody!

We's also thankful for TURKEY today.  And not so thankful for Kinley's Oh-See-Dee yippin and jumpin (dat's whut Crockett's airplane ears is about).

Anyways, happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours!

Now, how bout seconds on da turkey??

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Merrick Thanksgiving Day Dinner with Chewy

We gets to do our Chewy review today and WOW did we score dis month!  Chewy sent out us a big package of Merrick Thanksgiving Day Dinner canned cat food!

And when I say a big package - I mean a big package - 24 5.5 oz cans!!  Hmmm, dis mite last us until Thanksgivin, MOL MOL!

Crockett looks ready to chow down!

I see dat paw tryin to claim that stack of cans Angelique!!

We wuz so happy we got to try our Merrick Thanksgiving Day Dinner canned cat food a couple days early!

Merrick Thanksgiving Day Dinner canned cat food is a minced, grain-free food.  Dis tasty recipe starts wif deboned turkey, den piles on da sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, and cranberries for a feast worthy of Thanksgiving.  All dat's missin is da pumpkin pie!  And it's made right here in da USA!

Looks delishus to me!

Angie ate hers right up!

Crockett wuz a blur in his rush to get his.

I dug right in too!

We's givin da Merrick Thanksgiving Day Dinner canned cat food 12 paws up and happy kitty purrs!  We's definitely thankful Chewy sent us so much!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dis tasty food!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the food for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots all dis foods?  Are I right or are I right??

Monday, November 21, 2016

Fall Fun Wif Chewy

Da momma got a package from Chewy - it wuz addressed to me, but look at it.

A Chewy scarf, a Chewy hat (too big for me), a mug, cocoa, and apple cider.

Where's da NIP?  Da treats???

Yeah, dat are my opinion too Crockett.

And Angelique ain't even bothering to get outta bed the underwear drawer for dis.

And den I had to go to da vet (just for an annual, no problems or nuffin).  Talk bout addin injury to insult!!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Well, winter has arrived and Crockett thinks it deserves a razzberry.

He's right - us cats like it best when it is HOT HOT HOT.  At least we still have our sunspots to lie in, for now anyways.

And our bacon, most importantly.  ;)  And TURKEY DAY to look forwards too.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Crockett's Momma!

Today it are Crockett's momma's birthday!!  He had a baby razz for her, AKA church tongue.

I wore my birfday bandana to sellabrate.

Dey started off da day rite - wif crabbycakes eggs benedict!!!  Da mommas also had mimosas.  

Den Crockett's momma opened presents - she got all kindsa bling bling, a purse, lotsa baff stuff, some makeup, and a tiki mug.

I don't know where da nip mice wuz though.