Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Hi y'all!

We's all been gettin lotsa sun puddle time - Crockett's momma fixed up da sunroom and now it are all ready for us to go lounge.

Crockett wuz lookin particularly cross-eyed today - maybe it are bacon deprivayshun.  I think I need to remind da mommas dat us kittehs deserve weekly bacon.  I's noticed da humans like to have ribbons to make dem "aware" of things, so when I saw dis, I knew it's be purrfect.

Now get to cookin momma!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Locked Up!

These pickshures were taken before we got unfairly locked up. I don't know why we hafta be locked up just cuz dat plummer dude are here. And I'm not to shure about him anyways - he duzn't look plummer, he didn't even look purple at all!

Locking up innoscent cats just cuz some non-purple plummer guy decided to come are just wrong. Ok, innoscent may be goin a bit far. But at least we is innoscent of makin da sink drip water.

Angelique may not be so innoscent of makin my momma's bathmat stink though.  She's pretty, but she likes to be bad. I say we keep her locked up and me and Crockett split tonite's pizza sossidge. Like ninety purrcent for me, ten for Crockett.  Sound good momma?

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunday y'all!

We don't have much planned for today. We're working on a plan to open da fridge, but still no luck wif dat one.

I fink Angelique are ready for a post-breakfast nap!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Bacon Bliss

Caaturday morning bacon makes for happy kittehs.

Crockett had his tongue out in antisipayshuns.

Ignore Angelique momma, all da bacon duz not need to be put in there. I think her and Crockett are in some kinda Tongue Off contest.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Purina Pro Plan Savor Crunchy Tuna Bites from Chewy!

Hi y'all! For some unknown reason, yesterday my momma felt like sell-a-brating the anniversary of the arrival of Dubble Trubbull - why she'd want to sell-a-brate somefin like dat are beyond me. Espeshully since she didn't sell-a-brate if wif bacon - I mean, I think I shoulda gotten some bacon for allowing that D-O-G to be here for a whole year.

At least we get to do our  Chewy review today.  

Dis month Chewy sent us Purina Pro Plan Savor Crunchy Bites in tuna to review.

I think Crockett wuz copyin da cat on da package by sticking his tongue out too.

Da Purina Pro Plan Savor Crunchy Bites in tuna are crunchy treats made in da USA and include ingredients like real tuna, carrots, tomatoes, and peas.

There's no artifishul colors, flavors, or preservatives and there are only 1.4 calories a piece!

Well, dey shure look yummy!

Angelique couldn't get enuf! She wuz even rubbin on my momma for more!

Crockett luved em too!

And me? I devoured em!

We liked these treats a lot and are givin da Purina Pro Plan Savor Crunchy Bites in tuna 12 paws up and lotsa happy kitty purrs!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese tasty treats!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots treats?  Are I right or are I right??

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Hope y'all had as good a weekend as we did - salmon last nite and bacon dis morning! For some reason, I'm da only one who really goes crazy for salmon. Crockett and Angelique don't know what dey are missin, but since it means MORE for ME, dey can keep on turnin up their noses.

No selfie Sunday would be complete wifout some tongue, although I think Crockett is veerin outta da Church Tongue™ category here.

We's all three been crazy cats tonite - runnin and chasin.  Musta been all dat eggcitin murderin and fightin on dat dragon show, MOL!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sunday Selfies

A bacon Sunday makes for some good selfies!

Even if da sunpuddles has been missin lately, at least da bacon are plentifull.

Hope y'all got some tasty noms dis weekend too!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July!  Da BBQ is cookin and I is hopin we can snag some!

I think we deserve it for wearin dese costumes.  Ok, I ackshually liked wearin it, but I think I deserve some BBQ for being cooperative dat way!

Hope y'all have a pawsome Independence Day!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Monday Selfies

So our weekly selfie post had to be delayed just becuz you wanted to spend all day at a concert momma???

Whatefur. At least we got bacon before da peeps left and we got fish da nite before.

I still think dey need to make it up to us by cookin up somefin good for tomorrow, don't y'all agree??