Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Halo Grain-Free Indoor Cat Canned Food from Chewy!

Hi y'all! Well today wuz our lucky day - we get to do our Chewy review!  

Dis month Chewy sent us Halo Grain-Free Indoor Cat Canned Food in chicken to review.  Winner, winner, chikken dinner - or lunch, as it were.  We got 12 5.5 oz cans to review.

Crockett wuz gettin his tongue ready!

Halo Grain-Free Indoor Cat Canned Food in chicken is a grain-free, pate style food made with sustainably-raised, cage-free chicken and chicken liver as the first ingredients.

It also contains a variety of non-GMO fruits and veggies - including spinach, carrots, cranberries, and sweet potatoes.

It are made in da USA wif no grains, meat-meals, hormones or antibiotics, as well as no artifishul colors, flavors, or preservatives. It are even packed in BPA-free cans.

It has all the vitamins and minerals us kittehs need to be happy and healthy.

Ya can see them veggies!  And it smelled delishus . . . We each got about 1/4 of a 5.5 oz can to try.

Obviously, Crockett wuz a fan, he dug right in.

Angelique had to sniff it furst, but she got to eatin too.

I ate mine right up - now I'm just waitin for seconds!

We liked dis food a lot and are givin da Halo Grain-Free Indoor Cat Canned Food in chicken 12 paws up and lotsa happy kitty purrs!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese yummy food!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the food for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots food?  Are I right or are I right??

Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday Selfies

Ok, I know it's sposed to be Sunday Selfies, and we are a day late.

But we ackshually has a good eggscuse. As ya mighta guessed from our birthday bandanas, yesterday wuz a speshul day around here. It wuz Allison's (Angelique's momma's) birthday!

She turned 28 yesterday.

She sell-a-brated wif presents, going to a movie (for some reason, kittehs aren't welcome at da Cinemark - what da meow??), lemon poppyseed pancakes in da mornin (which unfortunately I didn't get to sample), and chocolate cheesecake and steak in da evening (which I did get a lil piece of).

And since it are Sunday Monday Selfies, here are a selfie of my momma (da Selfie Queen) and Ally.


Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Return of Bacon Caturdays!

Pals, I wuz gettin worried.  Da furst bad thing wuz dat da man went to da hospital. He are now in rehab and are improvin everyday (fanks for all da purrs, prayers, voodoo incantayshuns (ok, maybe dat are just MY momma)) . . . Da second bad thing wuz dat bacon Caturdays had disappeared since da mommas wuz so busy runnin back and forth to da hospital.

But while da man are still in da rehab, da bacon are BACK! And we is happy kitties. I mean, just look at Crockett's tongue taste-testin da bacon-filled air.

Even though we is still missin da man, da return of bacon makes everything better.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Shiver me timbers, it be talk like pirate day! Yeah, we be a wee late, but we wouldn't miss dis day for all da treshure in da Caribbean - ok maybe all da treashure in da Caribbean plus some bacon.

I's Cap'n Travis da Terribull and we has First Mate Crockett Orangebeard and our sassy pirate wench Angelique.

Meow, I mean arrrrr!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Caturday Saturday

Well, da three of us has been doin ok, even if da humans are all preoccupied. Da Mister Man are still in da hospital - dey moved him to da rehab on Monday, but he had to go back to da Neuro Eye-See-You since he had a brain bleed and wuz not doin good (gettin very confuserated again). Da mommas wuz so upset - it was really tuff on dem to see him go backwards. He are doin a lil better now (dey got him back on steroids and off da blood-thinners, which mighta caused da latest problem), but he are still gonna be in da hospital for weeks.

Anyways, dat are da medical update. We still don't really have any kinda long-term prognosis.

Da three of us have been doin pretty good - we is missin da man and Crockett's momma (since she are sleepin at da hospital), but my momma and Angelique's momma are takin good care of us.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Fanks for all da purrs and POTP for our grandpa/daddy. He made a whole lotta progress da furst couple days after he woke up from da surgery - now it has kinda leveled off. He didn't have too good of a day today - maybe it are cuz he didn't sleep good last nite, our maybe it are somefin else . . . 

Maybe he is just missin US meowin at him for food.  Yeah, dat must be it.

Anyways, da three of us are doin ok. Well, as ok as three baconless cats (for TWO weekends now) can be. We hasn't really even been whinin bout da bacon too much, da mommas is crazy stressed as it are. Besides, we is still gettin our tasty Fancy Feast and treats and dere are still Kinley to pick on, so all are good wif us.

We's sendin big purrs to all our pals in Florida. My momma and Crockett's momma has visited Florida a couple times and really enjoyed going there. We hope all our pals there will be ok.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Caturday Update

Well, accordin to da mommas, da Man are recoverin pretty well.  He are sposed to be headed over to rehab on Monday and are gettin kinda antsy bout bein in da hospital (and not gettin to have his computer). He are standin and walkin pretty good and has been gettin to visit wif some friends. I asked momma if WE could come visit (espeshully since da Man are getting a pork chop for dinner), but dere are a no-kitties allowed rule.

Yeah, dat are what Crockett thinks of dat rule.

Anyways, he are makin good progress, but he are still gonna be recoverin for a while. We're waitin for him to come home so we can rub all over his legs.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Grandpa Update

Hey y'all. Well, our Mr. Man had his brain surgery yesterday morning. Da doctor said it went well and he woke up today.

He remembered all da mommas' names (evenshually anyways) and bein sweet and silly. So dat are good news. He are still disoriented, but brain surgery and being knocked out for days will do dat for ya.

Tomorrow are his birthday - obviously it are not gonna be a good one. But he are still here and dat are somefin to sell-a-brate for shure.