Sunday, January 29, 2023

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Dress Up Your Pet Day!

Well, it's Dress Up Your Pet Day. Which ok, are MOST days around here, MOL.

Me and momma and Kinley had to go back to Lubbock this week. So now, da only pal I has around is a D-O-G and I have only one human to rely on for food!

Bowie are back in Plano and causin all kindsa mischief.

And Bonham has making himself right at home.

And Angelique still has to put up with multiple orange boys, MOL!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Caturday Art


Hey pals.

Well, da mommas has been busy undecorating.

It are pretty boring.

I mean, yeah, there were some boxes involved, but they wuz full of stuff!!

Bowie's sad about no more ornaments to whack.

And I'm sad about the severe lack of Christmas lights.

But at least today we all got some good play time in wif da feather wands.

And lotsa treats.

Bonham says he could use some more treats.

And hey, while we're talking about treats . . . 

I heard there are chikken cooking!!

Here's da momma's Caturday Art.

Have a good weekend pals!