Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Well, no bacon dis mornin - even though we all got up on da cat tree in our bacon receivin posishuns. I keep hearin dis stuff bout diets and how da peeps can't eat bacon everyday.  No one asked dem to eat it everyday, just cook it for us!!

Well, after dis mornin's disappointment, Crockett decided to go nap in da bathtub.  What da meow?  I like explorin a damp bath tub as much as da next cat (probably more dan to be honest), but ya won't catch me nappin in dere.  Doesn't he know da peeps sometimes turn dat water on?

Somehow I don't think Crockett or his tongue care about dat.


  1. Worst thing you can do is nap in the bathtub in the mornin'. Peeps don't always open their eyes to see who's there before turnin' on the shower. MOUSES!


  2. You waited on the tree and got nothin' ?
    Oh man, that's awful.
    Let the humans diet, you kitties don't have to suffer.
    Crockett, tubs are dangerous when humans are around ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. Crockett are obsessed wif tubs, he plays wif da bubbles when da mommas take bubble baffs.

  3. Napping in the bath tub is never wise, as humans tend to turn the taps on without looking!! MOL

  4. Those are great selfies from all of you. I nap in the bath tub in summer when it is hot.

  5. Great selfies. Crockett is a good kitty just sitting in the tub, my Sammy pees in ours :(

    1. Dat's not good! Da only place we pee is da box. Jezebel wuz a stinker bout dat stuff though.

  6. Good to see you back in your proper place, aye Travis??? The Tart looks non too happy about being relegated to the bottom again!! She's sure giving someone the evil eye.

  7. Great selfies! Sometimes when it is hot in the summer I like taking a nap in our shower, but this time of year it is too cold! - Jaq

  8. Cute! Cute! Cute! Three cutie patooties! And Crockett, tell your people bacon served in the bathtub is what you prefer from heron-in in or else... :p (we can help you with the "or else" if you are out of ideas!!)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. the selfies are darling and Crockett is a silly kitty! Maybe he wanted to take a bath? MOL!!

    1. Maybe - he's always starin at da peeps when dey take theirs.

  10. Well, that's one place we haven't napped yet either!

  11. First of all, I hope you are planning the Great Bacon Revolt so that you receive bacon every day, no matter whether the humans get to eat it or not!
    Next, whether or not he gets wet...that Crockett is pretty darn cute!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. All we need to do is figure out how to open da fridge . . .

  12. Travis, we love your selfie! Angelique, you are looking so pretty. Crockett, Neytiri likes to sleep and hang out in the bathtub too...

  13. Maybe Crockett's hoping for a game of tub hockey - you throw a cat toy ball (it can be fuzzy or plastic, it actually doesn't matter) and it's instant hockey!

    1. Usually he just keeps hockey to da kitchen, but maybe!

  14. It's a purrfect skating rink (when it's dry)!
    Thanks for sharing the tongue with us today!

    1. Crockett doesn't like to disappoint his tongue fans.

  15. Oh no Travis the bacon tree ran dry...horror of horrors! no wonder Crockett has taken to the tub! hope you get some later in the week! loves Fozziemum xxx

  16. Shucks in the bacon department...boooooo...

    Hope you do not have to wait too long fur the next bacon offerings!

    Crocket has the entire market monopoly on cuteness!

    Minko will hop in the tub, after one of the peeps is done, to have a lick of water from the floor of the tub...Pipo? No way!
    Our now Angel-Simba was a tub loiterer, too, he drank from the dripping confused he was after it was fixed!

    1. Me and Crockett both will get in da tub to drink after da peeps are done. But Crockett wuz just in there for no reason today!

  17. Crockett and his tongue are in danger for sure if someone turns on the "BIG RAIN" in that tub! Eeeek!

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. Crockett you for sure march to your own drum beat. Darling photos in the tub
    Hugs madi your bfff

  19. Oh Crockett, you are just so cute. What a great ;picture of you. Nothing wrong with a nap in the tub. We do that sometimes.Sorry, you all didn't get your bacon. That stinks. You all have a great Monday.

  20. Travis that is a terrific Selfie!!
    Oh my Crockett you are such a ginger cutie patootie!!!
    Too bad about the bacon. :(

  21. Sowwy 'bout no bacon, yu guyses! Whut a wip-off.

    My Momma's kitty, Toby, usta wuff tu chase hims tail in da tub! An', when him wuz a baby, him usta jump intu da fwidge when da door wuz open an' chase hims tail on da bottom shelf! Him wuz NUTZO!!

    Cute tongue yu hab dere, Cwockett. Yu r gwowin' up so fast! An' Angewique? Yu wook so so-fis-ti-ca-ted wif yur fwoofy Fwench furz an' yur mis-teer-we-ous eyes. So be-guy-lin'...or sumfing! BOL :D

    1. I's tried jumpin in da fridge lookin for bacons.

  22. All of us have used the tub at one time or another as a place to chase our tails. We always figure it can't get away in there. Crockett and his tongue...a week without at least one photo of him with it out would be mighty bleak. We agree, your peeps should cook bacon for you each day. Thanks so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. See, I think I need to show my momma dis - everyone agrees I should have bacon everyday!

  23. You all look great once again. Crockett, I'm the only one to venture into our bathtub. Kali is a big chicky. It's fun to sit where mom usually does and run back and forth...besides nobody looks for me there.


  24. Before the peeps moved here, they didn’t have AC and they used to put Nicky in the tub with a tiny bit of water to cool him off.

    1. My momma didn't have AC when she lived in LA - she used to hose da pup down in da tub.

  25. Crockett, dood, that's the purrfect way to hang in a bathtub - with tongue at the ready!

  26. Grrr... we dislike getting in position for treats only to be denied too. What's up with that? Are they blind? Crockett, you're growing up to be one of those danger cats who aren't afraid of taking risks, aren't you? MOL!

  27. You always have such excellent selfies. What's with the bathtub, Crockett? The tub is still a bit of a foreign place for us. We only had showers at our old home.

  28. *sigh* Too bad the Peeps decided to starve themselves of yummy bacon :( Ralphie likes the bathtub too. No accounting for some kitties momentary loss of sanity MOL!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.