Monday, June 29, 2015

Imperial Cat Scratch 'n Shapes Scratcher

Hey y'all!  Wif three kitties in da house, quality scratchin posts are definitely needed.  So we wuz real eggcited when we gots da opportunitee to test out dis Imperial Cat Scrach 'n Shapes scratcher.

Imperial Cat makes all kindsa eco-friendly and all-natural cat products, including scratchers and treats.  They make scratchers in all kinds of fun shapes, includin animal and food shapes!  I wonder if dey make a bacon shape .  . .   Anyways, we got to test out da Scratch and Snooze scratcher.

The scratchers are made for 100% recycled material and are completely recyclable once they've been used.  Dey are made right here in da USA.  And best of all, dey come wif organic catnip.  And ya knows I's a kitty who luvs da nip.

I's all ready to explore dis scratcher.

Well, ya can tell da nip wuz high quality and takin effect immediately.

Yeah, I think I's claimin dis scratcher as mine.

Ok, I'll probably let Crockett share it, since we shares most everything.  And maybe even I'll let Angie use it too, it would definitely be better dan her usin Grandpaw's speakers as a scratchin post.  After all, I don't wanna be blamed for dat one!

I'm a big fan of this scratcher and givin it four paws up!

Ya can check out Imperial Cat at, on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclaimer: We wuz provided this scratcher for free in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Selfies

No bacon dis weekend?  Whaddya mean ya didn't make it to da bacon store dis week momma??  Dat deserves a big ol razzberry.

Angelique looks like she are ready to hand out some smacky paw.

But our weekend wuzn't a total pork-free bust, we did get some baby back rib meat last night.  Yummmmm.  Not quite as good as bacon, but I are not turnin up my nose at it!

Now get to da store mommas!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Cat World Dominayshun Day

Today it are Cat World Dominayshun Day.  Well, everyday us cats are dominatin da world, today we is just celebratin it.  Our pal Summer wrote all about it, ya can check it on her blog.

Angelique tried to dominate us boys today.  Good luck Angelique.

Crockett thinks da way to World Dominayshun are wif a razzberry.

I's just hopin dis Dominayshun includes dominatin da treat box, MOL MOL!

Happy Cat World Dominayshun Day!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Well, da rest of Miss Angelique's birfday wuz pretty good - more fevver toys and some late nite crab from my momma - yummmm!

We tried to beg some of da crabbycakes dis morning, but not such luck.

We wanted to give a big thanks to our pals Pipo and Minko and our furiends on Faceybook who made Angie cards - fanks so much!

Well, as y'all know, today it are Father's Day.  So we's been celebratin wif Crockett's daddy (me and Angelique's grandpaw).  He got crabbycakes eggs benedict for brunch and a whole bunch movies and shirts for pressies.  I don't know why he didn't ask for nip mice instead, MOL!

Notice da orange kitty on da card?  My momma made dat one.

We all luvs him a lot - he gives some pawsome belly rubs!  Happy Father's Day!

P.S. Remember to enter our giveaway for da chance to win some Bravo kitty treats!!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Birthday Angelique!!

Happy birthday Angelique!  Our lil princess are turnin one today.

I are singin her happy birthday in my big meyowlin voice.

Crockett thought she needed a birthday razzberry.  Of course he did, MOL.

Angie has gotten a couple toys so far - she has more she are gonna get but da mommas is spacin em out through out da day.  Da first toy wuz from Crockett's momma - her own lobstah since she are always stealin me and Crockett's lobstahs.

My momma gave her a fevvery fish toy since Angie luvs her some fevvers.

Maybe dey reminds her of her own fluffy furs.

We got to have some birfday bacon dis mornin to celebrate - yum yum!!!  Angie luvs bacon just as much as us boys, so we wuz all real happy.  Unfortunately, we didn't get all dis bacon -most went to da mommas.

We wuz waitin in our bacon-recevin posishuns, MOL!

I'm hopin for a tasty birfday dinner - I fink we are gonna have crab since my momma are gonna make up crabbycakes tonite for Father's Day brunch.  Crab and bacon - I think Angie scored as far as birfday foodables go!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Internashinul Box Day

Happy Internashinul Box Day!  We luvs boxes round here.

We likes to sit on boxes.

We likes to sit in boxes.

We had a really pawsome big box a few weeks ago dat da shop vac came in, but da mommas got rid of it.  Luckily, Crockett's daddy are always orderin giant speakers and stereo stuff online and dey always come in giant boxes!

Remember to enter our giveaway for a chance to win some Bravo kitty treats.

And tomorrow are a big day round here, little Princess Angelique are turnin one!  Hope we get somefin good to celebrate!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Adopt a Cat Month with Bravo!

As most of y'all know, June are Adopt a Cat month.  And no, we's not gettin a new lil brofur or sisfur, even if my momma keeps on lookin at da kitties everytime she goes to Petco.  But we is celebratin Adopt a Cat Month wif our pals at Bravo.  Our pup sisfer Whitley has gotten to do some reviews for Bravo and she got asked to do a review and giveaway of some cat treats.  Well, she can't review kitty treats, as much as she wanted to, so we got to!

We got to try the Bravo Healthy Bites treats and da Bravo Healthy Medley treats.  We wuz real eggcited bout it since we literally ripped open Whitley's bag of dog food - MOL MOL!

Both the Bravo Healthy Bites treats and da Bravo Healthy Medley treats are 100% freeze-dried all-natural treats - no additives or preservatives.  And dey are made in da USA.

Ok, I think all dis talkin are puttin Angelique to sleep - I bet she'll wake up for treats though!

Crockett are ready to try some!

Da Healthy Bites come in three varietees - chicken breast, salmon, and turkey breast.  We got to try da Turkey Breast.  They sure look tasty!

And they wuz delishus!

Everycat wuz happy to get some!

Da Healthy Medley treats also come in three flavors - chicken, turkey, and mariner's medley.  We got to try da Chicken.  It are a mix of chicken breast, chicken liver, and chicken gizzard.

 Looks tasty!

As ya can tell, we enjoyed it!

A lot!

Bet Angelique's glad she woke up for it.  We gives both of these treats 12 paws up - dey wuz yummy!

But us gettin to try em are not even da best part.  Well, it are for us, but da best part for you is dat we and Bravo want some of our pals to get to try these treats too!  So we is doin a giveaway - there will be 5 winners who will each win a pouch of treats!  All ya has to do is enter this giveaway.  Sorry, internashinul pals, US-addresses only.

Ya can check out Bravo Pet Foods at, on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

Disclaimer: We wuz provided these treats for free in exchange for an honest review.  And look at our faces, ya knows we's honest.  I promise!