Friday, June 19, 2015

Internashinul Box Day

Happy Internashinul Box Day!  We luvs boxes round here.

We likes to sit on boxes.

We likes to sit in boxes.

We had a really pawsome big box a few weeks ago dat da shop vac came in, but da mommas got rid of it.  Luckily, Crockett's daddy are always orderin giant speakers and stereo stuff online and dey always come in giant boxes!

Remember to enter our giveaway for a chance to win some Bravo kitty treats.

And tomorrow are a big day round here, little Princess Angelique are turnin one!  Hope we get somefin good to celebrate!


  1. On boxes, in boxes ... you kitties have them covered all the way around! Happy International Box Day! :)

  2. I'm not a box kitty, but everyone else seems to be having fun with them!

    1. To be honest, I prefur my tunnel to a box, but boxes can be fun too.

  3. You do like those boxes!!

    Happy Early Birthday to Angelique!!
    Wait, here its already 230 am,almost so it is the 20th...therefore
    Happy Birthday to YOU Angelique!!

  4. Happy Box Day (well, day after!) I think it is already Happy first Birthday to Angelique! May you get many treats and scritches! xxxx

  5. Boxes are pawsome!
    We love them so much.
    We can see you kits do too :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. Hope you had a great Box Day! Sounds like you get lots of good boxes. We used to have a steady stream when we first moved but it seems to be slowing down.

    1. Yeah, Crockett's daddy does a lot of orderin stuff online. Well, so do da mommas, but he does da most. Which means lotsa boxes!

  7. It looks like you had a great International Box Day ! Purrs

  8. Happy Belated Box Day- you all look happy with your boxes.

  9. Y'all are such cuties, glad to see you enjoying those boxes!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.