Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Happy Momma's Day to all you momma's out there!

My momma and Crockett's momma didn't eggsactly get a relacksing day.  Da remuddlin guys are coming tomorrow to start in on da kitchen, so dey spent pretty much da whole day packing EVERYTHING up.  Dey woulda been more on top of things, but wif all we've been dealin wif dis last week wif Whitley passing and all, dey had been too preoccupado to deal wif da kitchen stuff.  So today dey really had to get to work.

Yeah, I agree Crockett, work deserves a big ol razzberry.  But even wif all da work, da mommas made time for some tasty noms.  My momma made brunch for da whole family - crabcakes eggs benedict wif mimosas for da ladies (well, if ya can call em dat) of da house!

Den Crockett's momma opened her presents - she got jewelry from Crockett's daddy and Angelique's momma and my momma gave her some nail polish and a vintage Barbie doll just like she'd had as a lil girl.  Den it wuz work, work, work.

Yeah, just like RiRi.  MOL!  Anyways, dey are finally pretty much done and got to have dinner (boiled shrimpies and red sauce!) and some drinkies (a speshul drinky my momma made up called da Raspberry Kitten) - dey definitely earned em!  Dessert tonite are key lime pie and probably anudder a drinky or two.  Or more if my momma are decidin. 


  1. You are having a good day. Enjoy yourselves!

  2. I hope we get to see photos when the remodeling is done. Happy Mother's Day to all your beautiful Mommas.

    1. Fanks. And you'll definitely get to see pickshures when we're done, but it'l probably be weeks.

  3. Happy Mother's Day!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  4. My Momma sez she are too tired to evfun post my selfie... I sez she is too lazy. But dat's okay... she's gonna be trapped here wiff da remuddlers for da next 2 weeks...plenty of time to do plenty of blog posts fur me!

  5. What a hard workin' pair of Mamas!!! We are glad they are doing some relaxin' tonite!

    Happy Mother's Day!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  6. It sounds like the humans had a really nice day, at least before they had to get to work packing up the kitchen! What's going to happen to your bacon while the kitchen is being remodeled?

  7. Happy Momma's Day
    Paws crossed the kitchen renovation is over and done quickly!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. We love your selfies !
    Hope the mommas had a Happy Mothers Day.
    All that food sounds good, but we did not see where you got any :o
    We also did not see bacon mentioned.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  9. Always seems like work gets in the way of pleasure, huh? Anyways you all have a great week, and those selfies look delicious! purrs ERin

  10. OMC that brunch looks super yummo! Glad you had a good Mothers Day :)

    Matilda & Matt

  11. Happy belated Mom's Day! The food looks delicious! Hope all your renovations go well.

  12. Sounds like you guys are gonna be under construction for awhile. We hope that doesn't cut into your bacon time. ;)

    1. Yeah, I dunno what are gonna happen to my bacon.

  13. I know this Mother's Day was hard for everyone...your Mama definitely deserves a drink, or two or three!!!! (((hugs))) and love to all catchatwithcarenandcody

  14. Your humans all eat so well at your house. Our dad saw those crab cakes eggs Benedict and is drooling. Happy belated Mother's Day to the momma's. We hope your kitchen redo doesn't take too long. They are a pain! We continue to keep y'all in our purrs and prayers as you grieve for Whitley. Thanks so much for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  15. Happy Mamma's Day to you kitties and you momma's! Sounds like it was and oh MY! The foodies sound supreme! XXOO.

  16. Remodelling the kitchen? Kali went through that with mom at the last house. I wasn't born yet. Mom says it was no fun but the results were worth it. Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's of fur babies.


    1. Yeah, da mommas are already goin insane from it. Well, MORE insane.

  17. We are feelin' so bad for you furries. The flowers you received from your friend is priceless. Take care of yourselves......and your momma.


  18. Your mum got GREAT prezzies for Mother's Day. I had promised not to make fun of the peep on Sunday but... well... that didn't exactly work out. MOUSES!


  19. We enjoyed those selfies...pre-remuddles, MOL!

    Hope you all survive through all the cat-astrophes as they seem to crop up in so many human oopsies, stupidity and sometimes just plain who knows!

    1. Yeah, we's already run into multiple problems. Not fun at all.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.