Friday, September 9, 2016

Flower Friday

We's been bizee round here - it was birthday week!  Tuesday wuz Crockett's daddy's birthday and Wednesday wuz my momma's grandma's birfday.  So lotsa good food (espeshually da CRAB dat Crockett's daddy had for his birthday brunch crabbycakes) and a whole lotta bizeeness.  But my momma has promised me more bloggin time, so I should get back to writin more.  And I are gettin sossidge tonite, so all are good.

Now I'm gonna be gettin to da flowers soon, but Crockett wanted to show off an upside-down razz.  I guess dat tongue defies gravity.

Angelique has a pretty impressive tongue herself!  YIKES1

Ok, now for da flowers . . . 

As ya can tell, da high biskits are still goin strong and dey has been joined by our yellow rose of Texas and some cosmos.  I wonder what are gonna pop up nextest week - I'm still waitin for a flower dat tastes like bacon!

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  1. Man, you guys sure eat good. :). Pretty flowers!

  2. Wow! You've got some beautiful flowers! So glad you got to eat some delicious yum yums. Happy birthdays to everyone.

  3. Look at those gorgeous flowers! They are like beginning of the season flowers.

    You kitties look very tired though. Peeps working you too hard?


  4. Hari OM
    a whole lot of floral fantasmabeautiousness going on there!!! Belated greetings for birthdays and congrats on the sossidge!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Very pretty flowers. Happy Birthday to your family members.

  6. WOW! Those flowers are really pretty!
    Not quite as amazing as you kitties though :)
    Glad you all had fun with the birthdays and good good treats!!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  7. Wow, your flowers are so gorgeous. All we have are morning glories. The marmots have eaten everything else. Crockett's upside down razzleberry is a masterpiece. Happy birthday to the celebrants. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Our morning glories are insane - dey try to take over everything!

  8. Oh my! Lots of pawtying going on huh? I'm glad there was crab and sossidge all around AND also happy to see that Crockett's tongue still works when he's upside down........HAHA

    Love, Sammy

  9. You had crab??? I have never had it but it sounds good, and my mum says it is. The flowers are very pretty.

  10. YOU flowers go beautifully with the outside flowers! And Happy BIRFDAY to all the birfday members of the fambly. Sossidges? May I pop over?

  11. What a pawsome birthday week for the peeps and we LOVE the yellow rose of Texas!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. DOOD! Extra points for the upside-downy-bizness!!

  13. Crabbycakes and purrty flowers NOW that is a good week
    Hugs madi you bfff

  14. Those are purdy flowers! We are wondering if there is such thing as a bacon flower? We bet that would smell real good!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. We think ya'll outshine da flowers by far Travis. And Happy Birthday to your peeps and grandpeeps. Glad ya'll are gettin' in on da celebrations. Enjoy dat sausage.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  16. The flowers ARE gorgeous, but we'd like to see the crab and sossiges! Happy Birthday to everyone!

  17. You kitties and your tongues, MOL! Crockett sure got a good one with his upsidedownie!! MOL! Are you sure Angie wasn't bored with you dudes?? Of coursebeimg a lady kitty she won't tell...or will she? MOL!
    Happy Birthday greetings to those that had birthdays, Pawsome treats, Mmmm...drooling happening here!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.