Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday Selfies

So da momma has been CRAZY bizzee dis weekend wif da undecomaratin - apparently it are a lot less fun dan da decomaratin.

I's sad to see da Chrissymouse lights go - I really luv em.  But my momma did somefin real speshul for me to make up for it - I'll show y'all what it are dis next week.

And today my momma found Angie's bandana - it turns out Angelique's present (which included 8 toys!) from my momma wuz still stuck under da tree.  I guess her momma hadn't noticed.  So it was like a late Chrissymouse pressie for Angelique.  MOL MOL!


  1. The house looks kinds bare afer the tree comes down.
    It takes a while to get used to the home again :)
    Bet Angie feels better now that she knows there was a present for her :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. My human was busy doing the same thing! Now the living room looks bare.

  3. YAY fur the morning raspberry!!!!
    You do look pawsome in your bandana
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Late Christmousy Pressies are SUPER... it just keeps the Fun going that much LONGER...

  5. Yes the hoomans are funny how they only decorate certain ways and at certain times.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Yeah, but my momma did somefin real speshul dis year.

  6. Great selfies, guys, shame about the tree though. Still it will be back before you know it and the fun can begin again. Till then keep pushing for compensation for loss of sparkling lights, bacon maybe, once a week should work! purrs ERin

  7. There are a lot of sad kitties cause their inside tree is gone!

  8. You all look great. I have lots of undecorating to do too.

  9. wunnerful selfies! our mom doesn't like the un-decorating either, no matter what the holiday. we hope to see Angelique modeling soon :) it's always fun to still get presents even after Chrismouse :)

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  10. Yup, that undecorating seems to take longer too...and that makes it harder to get started on...petcretary procrastinates way too long, even she says...but now its bare here too.

    The tree had not been lit fur a few days befur she got to putting it away...and um...well, lets just say that Minko struck again and now the new prelit tree cannot be lit up anymore...Hisses to that silly wire eating kitty. He should use that talent to eat food, that sure would make petcretary smile.

    Crockett has his wee schnooter all crinkled up along with a tongue showing...was he smelling something?? Like bacon??

  11. Yep .... we've been at it at our house too. Mum's been decluttering whilst she's been about the undecorating too so things are looking mighty bare around here.

  12. Yeah, we miss our tree too *sigh * We loves the lights....

  13. Your house is so beautifully decorated with 87 million lights and fun things I bet it DOES take forever to "de-decorate" - you can just look forward to NEXT Chrissymouse when it will all make an appearance again!

    Hugs, Angel Sammy

  14. Your faces say it all...but time flies, before you know the stars will shine again...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

  15. Oh my we love your selfies today guys, mew look so pawesome! ❤️

  16. Lookin fine there Travis an Crockett!
    An Angelique yur gorgeous purr usual....
    An HURRAH fur findin a hidden purresent.....mew mew mew....
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.