Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Well, we has a new development. For da furstest time since momma started lettin dat Dee-Oh-Gee sleep in da bed, I was ackshually in da bed too when my momma woke up. Now I wants to be very clear dat I wuz not snugglin wif dat thing - she wuz way up on momma's pillow and I wuz down at da foot of da bed. But we wuz both in da bed and da Tweedle Dum managed to behave herself.

Me and Crockett wuz hopin she wuz finally gettin trained, but den she wuz back to chasin us and woofin dis mornin. We hung out in da kitchen anyways hopin for bacon, but den da mommas made some kinda lemon coffee cake. What da meow??

We wuz all very disappointed wif dat - hopefully somefin better are comin up for dinner!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Fancy Feast Classic Poultry and Beef Variety Pack from Chewy!

Hey everybody!  It's time for our Chewy review.  Dis month Chewy sent us a 24 can package of Fancy Feast Classic Poultry and Beef Variety Pack to review.

We's BIG Fancy Feast fans around here.

Some of our old Catster pals right remember dat Jezebel called her diary Confesshuns of a Fancy Feast Addict.

Well, yeah, da three of us are just as addicted as her.

So we knew dis food wuz gonna be a hit.

Our Fancy Feast Classic Poultry and Beef Variety Pack had three paté flavors - classic tender beef feast, classic chicken feast, and classic turkey and giblets feast.

Ok, dat should be enuf food for one day.  MOL!

It's made in da USA and provides complete and balanced nutrishun.  We only eat canned food here after Maurice had a urinary blockage - it helps us kittehs get enuf moisture since some of us won't drink water.

Ok, dat beef paté looks plenty moist to me.  Moist and yummy . . . 

I luv my Fancy Feast!

And so duz Crockett.

And Miss Angie luvs it too.

We tried all three flavors (ok, we ate ALL da cans up) and are givin da Fancy Feast Classic Poultry and Beef Variety Pack 12 paws up and happy kitty purrs!  We's definitely thankful Chewy sent us so much!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dis yummy food!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the food for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots Fancy Feast?  Are I right or are I right??

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Well, it are Thursday and ya know what dat means.  And no, it duz not mean Grey's Anatomy and Scandal momma!  It means it are time for anudder one of my poetical poems.  And today it are . . . 

Tuna by Travis Ford

I am so hungry, oh how I wish
I could eat some tasty tuna fish
Some say dat tuna is too smelly
But I wants it all in my belly
I don't care - albacore, yellowfin
Tuna for dinner's always a win 
Canned, sushi, or a grilled tuna steak
I will eat any kind dat you make

Well, I think dat poem made me and Crockett hungry!

Angie's lookin for some fish too - better get to serving up dinner momma!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Happy Birthday Brinley!

Happy birthday Brinley!

Yup, anudder day, anudder puppy's first birthday.  Our puppy sisfurs aren't littermates, but dey are cuzzins.  Just in case ya wuz interested.

Brinley is Crockett's puppy - she belongs to his momma da way dat Kinley belongs to my momma.  I fink Crockett lucked out - Brinley is calmer and not obsessed wif chasin cats like Kinley.

But Angie's momma duzn't have any puppies.  So maybe she are really da lucky one.  Just kiddin.  I ackshually kinda like those dogs.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Happy Birthday Kinley!

Well, Tweedle Dum are one year old.

Do you think dat means she'll stop chasin us cats???

Yeah, we don't think so either.

Oh well, at least we ALL got bacon dis morning.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day y'all!  I tried to convince momma dat we should sell-a-brate Earth Day wif some bacon, but apparently it are some obnockshus lil dog's birfday tomorrow and we are havin bacon then to sell-a-brate that.  Well, I guess she are good for somefin after all.

Crockett didn't give y'all a razz today - but, wait for it . . .

Angelique stepped out to da tongue-tactic plate wif a razz of her own!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Flowers for Dory

Today we are celebratin da life of our pal Dory.  Dory wuz a speshul lil pup and she luved flowers, so I are posin wif dese orchids.  Around here, dere are tons of flowers inside and outside.

Crockett posed wif da orchids too.  Angelique wuz not nearly as cooperative, MOL!  Anyways, we're all gonna miss ya Dory.  Your cute lil face shure brightened up da whole bloggin world.  Sendin purrs and luv to your family.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Well, today I continued to let my stomach inspire me for today's poem - even if Sossidge Day happens on Fridays.  What can ya say, I get hungry early . . .

Sossidge by Travis Ford

Oh momma, ya know how I luvs da meats-a
So pretty please when you's makin da pizza
Give a lil bit of sossidge to da cat
I'll be so grateful, I'll stop bein a brat
Since you're weird and like your pizza wif just cheeze
Gimme some of da udder peep's sossidge please
I'll be so happy, I'll headbonk you and purr
Sossidge are tasty, me and Crockett concur!

Angelique usually misses out on pizza nite sossidge - dat's what she gets for hangin out in her room all da time.

What can ya say, it's just a Friday nite sossidge pawty wif me and Crockett.  MOL MOL!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter y'all!!!

Ya'd think pork-luvin kittehs such as ourselves would get Easter ham, right????  Unfortunately, da peeps here don't do a big Easter dinner - dey just duz brunch and den dey eats candy.  So no big Easter ham.  At least we got crab last nite when my momma made up da crabcakes for brunch and she claims dere are ham in da fridge for sammiches and dat we might get some later.  I think dis whole thing sounds like a rip-off.

Hope ya get more ham dan we did today!   Happy Easter!