Friday, June 30, 2017

Summer Fun with Chewy and Blue Buffalo Kitty Cravings!

Well, it's summertime and ya know what dat means, right? It are BBQ time! Just last nite I got chikken livers (can ya believe dat I are da only cat around here dat likes em??) And today my momma found somefin speshul on da grill just for me . . . 

Blue Buffalo Kitty Cravings in shrimp! Ok, dey ain't fresh off da grill, dey ackshually came from Chewy for our monthly review. 

But dey taste so good dey coulda been fresh off da grill!

Crockett can wrap his tail round da package all he likes, but he ain't gettin all of em.

Blue Buffalo Kitty Cravings are da purrfect summertime treat - real shrimp are da first ingredient, dey free of corn, wheat, soy, and artifishul flavors, colors, and preservatives.

And dey are only 1.2 calories a treat, so ya won't be ruinin dat beach body.  Or giant litter box body as I calls it.

Dey smelled delishus!

And dey tasted just as good!

We wuz all big fans.

Angelique wuz in such a rush to get em, she wuz a blur!

We liked these treats a lot and are givin da Blue Buffalo Kitty Cravings 12 paws up and happy kitty purrs!  We's definitely thankful Chewy sent us so much!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese tasty treats!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the food for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots shrimpy goodness?  Are I right or are I right??

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Well, Crockett decided to give everybody a big razz for his selfie - I think he thought everybody could use a laff after so many of our pals leavin for da Rainbow Bridge dese past couple of weeks.

We've all been doing pretty good around here - salmon yesterday, ham today - life are pretty good for us.

Even if Angelique couldn't be bothered to sit up for her selfie.  Girls, am I right??

And so what if I got on the bed wif da dreaded Tweedle Dum dis morning.  It's MY bed, I wuz her furst.  It's really not dat big of a deal momma.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Cat World Domination Day

I don't always celebrate Cat World Domination Day, but when I do, it's wif salmon.  I am the most interesting cat in the world.  Stay thirsty my friends.

Ok, well, dat's what Crockett thinks of my impurrsonayshun of the Dos Equis guy, but I thought I did a pretty good job.  Anyways, I did make momma think of those commershuls wif my eggspresshun.  And most importantly, I did get salmon today.

Angelique got some birfday cards from our pals - fanks Pipo and Freckles.

And Madi!

We're shure a lotta of y'all have seen this, but we had to share it for Cat World Domination Day - the whole world is just a cat playin wif Australia!


Hope y'all dominated your corner of the world today.  I know we did around here!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Happy Birthday Angelique!

Today wuz Angelique's third birthday!

And she had a pretty good day - lotsa new toys, a new collar, a new bandana, and a bag of greenies!

And of course lotsa high quality nip in those toys.

Hey Angie, ya wanna pass dat nip??

And Crockett gave her a birthday razz.  MOL!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Box Day!

Happy Box Day y'all!  Sometimes I wonder what kitties did before online shopping - it shure makes for a lot more boxes round here.  Dis are a pretty good box - it are from Da Body Shop where my momma got some weird stuff to use when she takes baffs.  She are not nearly as talented as me and can't just use her tongue . . . 

Speakin of tongues. Crockett knew y'all were missin his razzes and came through wif one today.

Somekitty has a birthday tomorrow. And I heard dere are gonna be treats for all of us!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Happy Father's Day! We had a pretty good weekend here - I has been tryin to warm up to dat crazy D-O-G but she are just a nutso and wants to lick me. Den she wants to bark me when I meow and swat at her.  Momma says da two of us is makin her nutso.

Bacon Caturdays appear to be back for good now. Yay! We tried to convince momma we needed some of da crawfish eh-too-fay she made for Crockett's daddy tonite, but she said it wuz too spicy for us.

But it wuz not a good weekend for one of our very good friends - our pal Minko went to da Rainbow Bridge today. We has been friends wif dere family furever - before any of us kitties were even here, back when Jezebel wuz on Catster.  So we are sendin lots of purrs and hugs to his family tonite.

Wuzn't he a handsome guy??  We'll all miss ya a lot buddy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Well, Crockett's momma and daddy returned from dat Ha-Why-Ee place. I wuz kinda annoyed wif em becuz dey brought back dese soo-ven-eers, but dey didn't bring me nuffin.  And all dis talk about loo-ows - I know dat involves some tasty pork, but did dey bring any loo-ow pork home for me??  NOPE! And pickshures of crabs and fish - I don't want pickshures, I want da real tasty thing!

At least it meant dat my bacon Caturday wuz back - thank Cod!

So all is returnin to normal round here, well, as normal as it ever are.