Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wordy Wednesday

Hey y'all! Fanks so much for your comments and emails checkin on us - we are ok.  We live outside of Dallas, so all we got from Hurricane Harvey wuz some cloudy days and a teeny bit of rain.  Our family who lives in Houston are ok and not flooded.  

We has been able to snag some good noms lately - lotsa fish which we luv!

Angelique has been doin fine too - no more see-shures for da princess.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Well, we had a lil too much eggcitment around here today - Angelique had a see-shure again dis morning.

She's ok now.  We aren't really shure what caused it (she's gotten them before when she's stressed).  But it wuz not fun.

We've had some pals wonderin if we is ok becuz of da hurricane.  We live in a suburb of Dallas, so we aren't being affected by it, other than it being cloudy and a lil eggstra rain.  But we has family and friends who are in Houston and would appresheate you sendin your purrs to everyone in on da coast.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Lights, Camera, Fashion! Wif Chewy and Wellness Core Simply Shreds

Chewy is havin dere very own Fashion Week next week, but we is kickin things off early. I's a Fashion Dood and I luvs my bandanas, fancy collars, and hats. I's been tryin to convince momma I need a stylish kitteh vest . . .

Yeah, we know our doggie sisfurs kinda has a reputayshun as Blogville's resident fashionistas, but us kittehs like lookin sharp too.  After all, me and Crockett know dat women go crazy bout a sharp-dressed mancat!

Besides, it are called a CATwalk, not a DOGwalk. Right Angelique??

Since we is gonna be reviewin some tasty noms today, we decided to bust out da BBQ bandanas. I'm gettin hungry just thinkin bout it! 

Ok, on to da good stuff - da FOOD!

Dis month,  Chewy sent us Wellness Core Simply Shreds Tuna and Shrimp Food Topper to review.

Crockett's tongue wuz ready to get to work scoopin it up!

And Angelique wuz obviously interested in da smell.

Wellness Core Simply Shreds Tuna and Shrimp Food Topper is 100 purrcent natural and grain-free and made in the USA.

The only four ingredients are tuna, fish broth, water, and shrimp.

We got a package of 12 1.75 oz pouches - each pouch has only 33 calories.

These are meant to be a topper or snack, not a replacement for a balanced cat food.

Tuna and shrimp???

Sign us up!

It looked (and smelled) delishus . . . 

Since we eat wet food anyways, momma decided to give it to us as a mid-morning snack.

Crockett dug right in.

I couldn't get enuf!

Angelique luved it too!

This food topper wuz delishus, so we are givin the Wellness Core Simply Shreds Tuna and Shrimp Food Topper 12 paws up and lotsa happy kitty purrs! Luckily we still have 9 pouches to devour.  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese tasty noms!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the Wellness Core Simply Shreds Tuna and Shrimp Food Topper for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots tuna AND shrimp?  Are I right or are I right??

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Today it are Nashinul Bacon Lover's Day - and I are wearin my bacon bandana!

Best of all, we got BACON dis mornin!  YUM!

Bacon makes for happy selfies, dontcha think??

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Our Pawsome Prize

We won a pawsome prize from da talented Ms. Ellen at

A butterfly nip mat and 2 crocheted toys!

I got to test it out furst.

Yup, dat's some good nip!

Gettin high . . . 

Momma says I are gonna hafta share wif Angelique and Crockett. I disagree.

I fink Angie wants to steal my nip mat. Just look at her eyes.

Crockett can razz all he wants, but he isn't gettin my toys. Sharin is highly overrated!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Well, we finally got our bacon today. Dis selfie wuz pre-baconatin, which is why I has dat "make wif da bacon NOW momma" face on.

Crockett is showin off Church Tongue™ today - just a peep of a razz.

And Angelique has obviously been takin selfie tips from my momma - she knows how to work the angles for a purrfect selfie since she's been doin it for over a decade.  And is it just me, or do you think my silly sisfur went and fluffed her furs pre-selfie too??