Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Meowloween Fun!

Happy Meowloween!  Me and Crockett dressed up as cowboys, after all, we is da Lone Star Cats.

I think I liked da costume a bit more dan Crockett, MOL.

Angelique dressed up as a hula honey wif a lei - she wuz happy she got outta wearin a hat.  And since we all behaved, I think we deserves some TREATS.  Me espeshully, since I are really da only one who likes dressin up.  Hope your Meowloween are full of lotsa treats and no tricks!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Happy Meowloween!

Happy Meowloween!

We wore our spooktastic Calvin collars today to get in da spirit!

I think we deserve some bacon as a treat.  Da humans might not like our tricks . . .

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunday y'all!  And Happy Nashinul Cat Day . . . ya know what dat means momma . . . 

I think Crockett has his tongue ready for dose eggstra treats.

I guess it wuz a tongue showin kinda day, becuz look at Angelique!

I'm just savin my tongue for dose eggstra treats - I's not wastin it out on da camera.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Selfies

So dese are some late nite Sunday Selfies, but better late dan never right???

I dunno if Crockett are buyin dat one, MOL MOL!

I say dat momma neglectin visitin my pals cuz she are sick means I deserve eggstra bacon.  Or at least a few shrimpies. Who agrees wif me?

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fancy Feast Duos from Chewy!

Howdy y'all!  Today wuz a good day around here - we got to do our monthly Chewy review!

We dressed up in our brand new Meowloween Calvin collars, but these goodies are all treats and no tricks!  Chewy sent us Fancy Feast Duos crab and cheddar souffle cat treats to review.  

Ya can tell Crockett wanted to get dat famous tongue on some!

And Angelique (who likes to strut around like she are da Fancy Feast Purrsian) couldn't wait to try em either.

Crab and cheddar souffle - ooo la la!

Fancy Feast Duos crab and cheddar souffle cat treats are da best of both kindsa cat treats - dey combine a crunchy baked exterior and a savory, tender center.

And dey are made wif real cheese here in da USA. And at only 2 calories a piece, ya can con your mommas into givin ya quite a few.

Dey look delishus!

Angelique really luved em!

And Crockett put dat tongue to good use scoopin em up!

Dese were really tasty!! We all luved dese treats and are givin da Fancy Feast Duos crab and cheddar souffle cat treats  12 paws up and lotsa happy kitty purrs!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese yummy treats!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots crab AND cheese?  Are I right or are I right??

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tongue Out Tuesday

Well, ya knew who da star of dis wuz gonna be.  Just look at dat tongue.

I prefer to keep mine in my mouth.  Dat way it duzn't dry out and is ready to do important things. Like pick up da HAM I got as a speshul brekkyfast treat.  Ok, I just got it cuz Crockett's momma wuz making a ham omelette and woke me up and I started meyowlin like crazy. Bein her speshul peachy boy has its benefits.

Ya snooze, ya lose Angelique!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Ok, I took dis selfie yesterday, but it are such a purrfect picture of me dat I had to use it today. I ackshually opened my eyes for momma.

Crockett wanted to capshure his orange eyes in his selfie. I fink he did a pretty good job. And of course dere are dat famous tongue.

And dis are what happens when ya tell Angelique a joke right before she takes a selfie. Either dat or she are showin da mommas where to inserts da bacon.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sunday Selfies

We had a purrty good Sunday here.

Sunpuddles, headrubs, ya can't beat dat.  Ok, a bacon boofay woulda helped, but I'm not complainin. At least not too much, MOL.

Hope y'all had a fun weekend too.