Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Immortilizayshun in Frosting

As I told y'all on Sunday, it wuz my momma's birthday.  And in case ya hasn't figgered it out, da humans around here do hollydays BIG (well, at least da mommas do).  One of da things dey do for birthdays is a speshul dessert and dis year my momma wanted a chocolate cake (even though I tried to convince her to have a bacon and tuna cake to share wif me).  Anyways, she got Crockett's momma to decorate it wif frosting portraits of ME and da dawg.

Dat's right I was immortalized in frosting!

Well, ok Angelique. Maybe not immortalized since da humans are eating it.  But at least dey ate da dog first.

Do ya think we can sneak a lil bit of frosting?

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday Selfies

We has our birthday bandanas on becuz today it are my momma's birthday!!

She are SUPER old.  Like oldest living cat OLD.  Like she remembers phones that plugged into walls and floppy disks OLD.  Like THIRTY ONE old.  Dat are what in cat years - 200???  

Since she are so OLD, we decided to let her include her selfie today.  She are kind of a Selfie Queen™, she has been takin dem for over a decade.  See, she are OLD.

Anyways, let's talk bout da good stuff . . .

Food!  And drinks, which she refused to share with her loyal orange companion . . .

She got a whole lotta presents.  Most of em looked pretty borin to me, but she did get some yarn.  Or as we call it, cat toys.

I just hope she's more generous wif sharin dinner.  P.S. - Her cake are gonna feature ME!  And da dog.  But mostly ME!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Caturday Art

Howdy y'all! We is gettin all arty for da Caturday Art blog hop tonite.

Things have been pretty good around here - we has been gettin lil tidbits of turkey when da humans eat da leftovers, so we has been happy kittehs.

Yesterday, my momma got a surprise.  Da nice peeps at Chewy sent her a birthday bookay!

Ok, I woulda prefurred an edible arrangement (didja know dere are even such a thing as bacon bookays??), but it wuz pretty nice.  And ya know, some of dose flowers look very chewable . . . 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!  Well, today we are sposed to say what we are thankful for.  I are thankful for turkey (HINT HINT), bacon, turkey (HINT HINT), shrimp, turkey (HINT HINT), crab, turkey (HINT HINT), fish, turkey (HINT HINT), chikken, turkey (HINT HINT), ham, turkey (HINT HINT), cheese, turkey (HINT HINT), hamburger, turkey (HINT HINT), steak, turkey (HINT HINT), and uhhh, did I menshun turkey??

Ok, besides NOMS (yeah, udder things in da world eggsist), all of us Lone Star Cats are thankful for our bloggin pals - even da dawg ones.  We luv readin bout your advenshures, seein your pickshures, and havin y'all as a part of our lives.  Big hugs and purrs to all of y'all - we luv you.

And uhh, momma, I think dere are still some of dis BURD left!!

P.S. Yes, we all did get some of dat delishus burd.  I got more dan every other cat since I stuck round da most.  Ya snooze ya lose Crockett and Angelique!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Vital Essentials Ahi Tuna Treats from Chewy!

Meow-lo y'all!  Well, we's not-so-payshuntlee waitin for Turkey Time around here, but my momma decided we could get to test out our treats from Chewy and do our monthly review to tide us over.

Dis month, Chewy sent us Vital Essentials Freeze-Dried Ahi Tuna cat treats to review.  

And we wuz three thankful kitties to gets em!

Vital Essentials Freeze-Dried Ahi Tuna cat treats are a crunchy single-ingredient freeze-dried treat. Da only thing dey has is ahi tuna - no fillers of any kind.

Dis high-protein treat are made and sourced in da USA.

We couldn't wait to get our dat toona right to our tummehs!

Angelique wuz a big fan.

Crockett really liked em too.

And I couldn't get enuf! We all luved dese treats and are givin da Vital Essentials Freeze-Dried Ahi Tuna cat treats 12 paws up and lotsa happy kitty purrs!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese yummy treats!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots toona?   Are I right or are I right??

Monday, November 20, 2017

Mancat Monday

Well, it are Mancat Monday and I are startin to get all festive (just look at da bandana!) It are my favorite week of da year.

Da week of endless eatin - first dere are Fanksgivin and den dere are my momma's birthday - I's hopin she picks somefin good to eat dat us kittehs can have some of!

Angelique wanted to make it clear she did NOT approve of today's post title.  GIRLS, are I right??

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Howdy y'all!  Well, my momma is FINALLY back after she abandoned da three of us dis week.  She CLAIMS she wuz drivin round da state doing job interviews.  But look what I found on her camera . . .

Yeah, a visit to da giant litter box!!  She says dat she couldn't pass up da oppurrtunity to go to da beach in Corpus since she had an interview there.  Yeah yeah. 

I don't think Crockett believes her either.  And not only wuz she gone, she also abducted Angelique's momma and took her wif her!!

Angie are definitely glad dey are back.  And not only did dey go visit da giant litterbox without us, my momma wuz cheating on me wif my cuzzins, Basil and Bella!  See, she wuz stayin wif her uncle and aunt, and Basil and Bella are dere cats.  And dey wuz gettin my ear scritches and head rubs!!

Ok, well, dat Basil are a pretty good lookin dood, so if my momma had to cheat on me . . . at least she wuzn't cheatin wif anudder dog!  Da crazy westies are enuf.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Crockett's Momma's Birthday

Mello everybody!  Yesterday it wuz Crockett's momma's birthday.  I tried to convense her to have a bacon-palooza, but for some reason dat didn't work.  But we did have some tasty noms - my momma made crabbycakes eggs benedict for brekkyfast (and yes, I got some of dat crab!) and crawfish eh-too-fay.  She also made key lime pie for dessert (and she'll be puttin up da recipe for dat one soon too).  And ya know who wuz linin up for some of dat whippy cream, right???

Anyways, we think she had a pretty good day.  We gave her lotsa purrs and oppurrtunities to give us headrubs.  So it musta been a good day.

I mean, she must feel pretty lucky, gettin da three of us to pet.

Anyways, we gotta go find da rest of dat whippy cream . . .