Saturday, November 4, 2017

Dona Nobis Pacem

Today it are da Blog For Peace day.  In case ya don't know, da title of our post (and da udder bloggers particimapatin) are Latin for "Grant Us Peace."  Real Latin, not fake Latin like a certain momma's diploma from a certain law school (ya know, people don't understand, she went to an Ivy League college. She wuz a nice student. She did very well, She's a very intelligent person . . . )

Ok, I are digressin. Dis are sposed to be about peace. So I started thinkin - what makes me feel peaceful. And da answer are clear - it are bacon. I bet da whole world would be a lot more peaceful if we could all just share some bacon.  I mean, I bet my plan would even lead to peace in da Middle East . . . momma said she duzn't think bacon are gonna lead to peace there. I say da lack of bacon are da whole problem.  Oh well, if dey don't want it, I'll be happy to eat dere share . . .

Anyways, besides our Caturday art, we wanted to share dis song today - one of momma's favorite songs about peace.


  1. Very cool art this week. We're purring for peace....

  2. Bacon is a very viable load to peace. I take a knee to pray for peace today and every day.

  3. Hari OM
    Hmmmm.. mama could be right about the bacon and the mid-east thing... but your in-tent-shuns are good... &*> Blessings of peace to you kittehs. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. I'll volunteer to eat all da bacon dey don't want. I'm willing to do my part for peace!

  4. I think you have a good idea, Travis. Bacon soothes the soul:)
    Well fur somecats, MOL!

    We here always purr, and hope for peace.

  5. Cool art today, and yeah, peace seems to be a bit elusive these days...

  6. Nice art, and beautiful song. We wish you a peaceful day. Purrs

  7. That is our Mama's most favorite John Lennon song! We are imagining!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  8. Beautiful art and the song is just purrfect!

    Purrs and Peace,
    Athena and Marie xx

  9. That is great art and choice of song for Peace Day.

  10. You all look fabulous today - AND that is one of my Mom's favorite songs too!

    Hugs, Teddy

  11. luvluvluv your Caturday art guys! And I think TKS will agree that more bacon in the world would help humans feel more peace like.

  12. Absolutely lovely Caturday Art. YOu kit kats always make us feel at peace when we see your sweet faces
    Hug madi and mom

  13. Excellent meowtary! We need more bacon fur sure

  14. We totes agree. Bacon fur efuryone would make efuryone all zen like. We also wuv your caturday art it was very pretty fall colors.

    Matilda & Matt

  15. Wow great art guys-- love your eyes in each of them!

  16. Beautiful peace art. Maybe the people who don't eat pork bacon could peace out on turkey bacon.

  17. Special Selfies! And mebbe the Middle East would like some spicy lamb strips...

  18. How did I miss this on Saturday!?! I am sorry that I did! Peace and Bacon! I agree totally Guys!
    Rock ON!

  19. This is fantastic! We hear you loud and clear. We are still collecting peace globes and reading all the wonderful posts.
    I will share my bacon with you....
    Peace to you and yours,


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.