Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy Mew Year!

Happy Mew Year y'all!

Since we is absolutely purrfect, we don't need Mew Year's Resolushuns.  Da same cannot be said for my momma.  She tried to come up wif some of her own (maintain her weight loss, draw more, figger out somefin to do wif her life, blah blah), but dey wuz not really good.  So me (along wif some help from Crockett and Angelique) came up wif some good ones.

  1. Cook more bacon.  Y'all might think dis one are not gonna help her stay in shape.  Notice I did not say EAT more bacon.  Cook more bacon for da cats.
  2. More playtime for cats.  
  3. More head rubs for cats.
  4. More time sewing cat bandanas and less time sewing dog dresses.
  5. More time rubbing cat bellehs and less worrying.
  6. Along wif more bacon, cook more shrimp, chikken, and fishies.  For da cats.
  7. Be more gin-or-us.  Wif cheese, cat treats, bacon - ya know, for da cats.  Ya gets da idea.
Happy 2018 y'all!

Friday, December 29, 2017

Temptations Holiday Dinner Treats from Chewy!

Well, Catmas may be over, but we is still in da hollyday spirit here - after all, dere are Mew Year's Eve (wif niptinis to spare!) and da Mew Year (I are gettin momma's resolushuns ready for her).  And what better way to sell-a-brate da hollydays dan wif tasty treats.  And Chewy hooked us up!

Dis month, Chewy sent us Temptations Holiday Dinner Treats to review.  

We think dey are gonna be purrfect for our Mew Year's Eve pawty!

Temptations Holiday Dinner Treats are a turkey and sweet potato-flavored treat dat are crunchy on da outside and soft on da inside.  Dey come in a 16 oz tub (a whole pound of treats!)

Dere are less dan 2 calories per treat and it says we can have 10-12.  I say dat means 10-12 per hour, MOL!

Well, dey's festive-looking!

Dese are delishus!

Crockett wuz a real big fan too.

And Angelique couldn't get enuf! We all luved dese treats and are givin da Temptations Holiday Dinner Treats 12 paws up and lotsa happy kitty purrs!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dese yummy treats!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gets dese treats?  Are I right or are I right??

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Well, I woke up from my wintry nap to share my final poetical poem of 2017 wif y'all.  Today are pickshure inspurrayshun are fireworks.

2018 are comin
It will start wif fireworks
Hope it's better dan dis year
It way too wuz full of jerks
Mass shootings, pussy grabbers
Nazis, fires and floods too
Add in da crazy butt tweets
What are a kitty to do?
For 2018, I'll try
To concentrate on good stuff
Headbonks, shrimpies, tuna fish
Bacon, purrs, and lotsa luv

Hey momma, it would help us concentrates on bacon if ya'd make it everyday.

Yeah, I don't think it are gonna happen either Angelique.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Happy Boxing Day!

Today, it are a hollyday made for kittehs - Boxing Day!

Whaddya mean momma, it are not bout sittin in a box??  Crockett thinks dat deserves a big ol razz.

Luckily, we got some good boxes to play in yesterday.  And once da mommas get da new grill set up, we is gonna have a big box to play in - it looks like it wuz built for three kittehs.  And once da grill gets set up, dey can get to work on makin ME some grilled fish and chikkens and anticuchos and all kindsa good stuff.  We just need da weather to stop bein so miserable.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Meowy Catmas!

Meowy Catmas y'all!

We wuz so eggcited to get all our presents (including our Secret Paws) present dis morning!

After all . . .

Well, and da joy of hangin out under da tree.

Catmas morning are a big deal around here - here's what our house looked like.

Ok, decamorayshuns are nice, but pressies are better!

We wuz espeshully eggcited to open our Secret Paws present from Katie, Waffles, and GloGirly.

Just look at all dat loot!

Guess Santa Paws thought we wuz good kittehs.

We got TONS of nip toys!

Crockett may have gotten stoned.

Ok, so did I.

Momma also made us some bandanas.

And our Secret Paws present rocked - thanks Waffles and Katie

WOW - a badass kitty skull harness (which I'm claiming), all kindsa fun nip toys, a feather wand toy, Greenies . . .

Fanks so much Katie, Waffles, and GloGirly!

We LUV our Secret Paws pressies!

And GloGirly even got momma presents - she got some cute kitty socks (she's gonna wear em tomorrow for her workout), a set of mini-emory boards, Feliway wipes (which we are definitely gonna try wif Angelique da next time she goes to da vet), and GORGEOUS Katie and Waffles Catmas cards!

It wuz a pawsome Catmas for us!  Meowy Catmas to you!