Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tabby Tuesday (Plus Angelique!)

So we could meow about that disaster of a presidenshul debate, but y'all probably have already heard enuf about that.

It seems like a certain someone needs some nip to mellow before the next debate!

Better make it industrial strength, MOL.

Anyways, the three of us have been doing pretty good. 

We still have road construckshun going on outside - it's annoying and loud and neverending!

Kinda like this eleckshun. Or this year in general.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Angelique Momma's Birthday

Well, yesterday wuz Angelique momma's birthday!

We all dressed up to help her celebrate.

And since da COVID means dat everything are shut down, she got to spend da day at home wif us cats. Isn't she lucky??

As ya can see, Angelique wuz right behind her momma when she opened her presents.

Bowie wuz busy playing in the boxes and paper.

Looks like crazy dog had to join him.

Anyways, she had a pretty nice COVID birthday - da mommas had a movie marathon and she had lotsa tasty food. 

There wuz even steaks and shrimps!

And birthday bacon!! She knows how to do birthdays right!

But birthdays aren't the only thing happening around here - we also have a bit of a mystery going on. We think the newest Chewy box just might be haunted - what do y'all think?? 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Remember Me Thursday

It's Remember Me Thursday! So we are joining with the Helen Woodward Animal Center to help shine a light on animal rescue! There's so many kitties (and puppies and bunnies and well, so many animals) out there waiting for the purrfect furever homes. Over seven years ago, that animal was me. I was born in the Irving Animal Shelter - not really a good place for a baby kitten, since it's a city shelter and is a kill shelter. Luckily, me, my momma, and my siblings were rescued by Feral Friends. From there, I made my way to the Plano Petco where my momma saw me and adopted me. She says she's happy everyday she did - I've brought a lotta joy into her life in these seven years and I'm just getting started. 

Angelique is a fellow Feral Friends alumnus, but she had an even rougher start than me. She wuz born a feral kitten, but someone took a chance on her, trapped her and her sister, and brought them to Feral Friends. Her momma had lost her tuxedo boy a few months earlier to FIP and was looking for that special kitten to mend her heart. And she found that kitten in Angelique Noelle (so named because she wuz adopted in December). The kitten formerly known as Puff strutted right over to her for pets - after ignoring the girl working at Petco who tried to get her attention! Angelique is a constant companion to her momma - you can usually find her snuggled up in her bed wif her.


Bowie wuz adopted from another local rescue, Furry Friends. And that lil guy has done so much good for all of us, da humans and da animals included. See, a lil over a year ago, we wuz all heartbroken over the tragic death of my BFF Crockett. I missed having an orange BFF and grandma missed having an orange boy of her own. She looked at a number of kittens, but she didn't feel that speshul something until she met Bowie. Something about those chubby lil cheeks and playful personality won her over. 

So we are hoping all of our pals can #seethelight and give some luv to pet rescues today. You can enter your own adoption story at Remember Me Thursday for the chance to win pet food and money for your favorite animal shelter. And remember, cats are like potato chips, ya can't adopt just one! So if you're ready for a new friend, think about adopting. Kitties like me are out there waiting for you. 

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Almost Wordless Wednesday


Just a quick note to say that the Aunties seem to be helping wif my You Tee Eye - I actually slept good last nite and have not been straining. I'm also back to eating - not as much as normal, but I am eating my food. So good news so far!

Monday, September 21, 2020

You Tee Eye Update

Hey pals. Well, I'm still not feeling too hot. I didn't wanna eat my food today - da mommas did manage to tempt me wif some chikken livers. I's been taking my pills, but I've been straining some more. I did pee today, but some more blood also came out. So it are still a wait and see thing. 

Bowie had to go to da vet today - nuffin major - just his annual checkup and rabies shot. He did good - he weighed 12 pounds (lightweight!) and da vet complimented his soft furs (and wanted to know what he ate cuz he are so soft!) My momma said he let out a major league yowl when they first got in the car - way to go lil dude, singing the song of our people.  

It are Angelique's momma's birthday later this week, so we are gonna do some of her favorite songs for our Mewsic Monday playlist today.

I think I'd prefur my whole body outta the water, MOL.

This one is a nice luv song from King George.

And one by Katy Perry.

Who knocked the stuff of the mantle? No hablo inglés!

And probably her favorite song - a classic by Pink.

And we had to include this one today!

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

You Tee Eye

A You Tee Eye. Apparently I has one of em. I didn't really know what wuz wrong cept I kept felt like I had to pee and I couldn't. And it hurt. So I meowed at momma and led her right to my litterbox so she would know. But I don't think she quite got it at first, so I had to resort to some drastic measures. I did a lil bit of inappropriate peeing on a bag of old scratched up CDs from Angelique's momma's car (don't ask, MOL). And wuz when she saw da bloods.

Ya don't gotta make dat face Bowie, it wuzn't dat much blood.

And don't worry Angelique, your momma's old CDs are ok as they wuz before. MOL. It wuz really just a lil pinkish - enuf dat da momma's knew to take me to the emergency vet to make shure I wuzn't blocked. Maurice, Angelique's predecessor, got a bad blockage one time, so they knew they had to get me in today.

Well, da vetman said my bladder wuz empty, so I wuzn't blocked. He said I had a You Tee Eye and I got some Aunty Biotics and an Aunty Inflammatory. 

Yeah, wif all those Aunties I'm expecting some good Catmas presents. Maybe I'll share wif Angelique and Bowie. 

Or maybe not. 

Anyways, I had to take two pills tonite and so far I'm still doing ok - da mommas are gonna keep a close eye on me though. I still managed to take a Cowboys selfie today.

And they even managed to win today!

I think all my momma's yelling woke up Angelique, MOL. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Meow Like a Pirate Day


Avast ye scurvy dogs cats! It be Meow Like a Pirate Day!

We be starvin'! Time to go plunder some bacon!

Yo ho yo ho and a bottle of nip!