Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Well, it's Sunday, so we've got selfies for ya.  

It wuz a tasty weekend around here - Caurday morning (1 PM is morning, right?) bacon and chikken tonite.


We wuz so happy we even decided to pose together. Here you can see Bowie is a little darker than me.

My momma's team won da basketball game tonite, so there wuz a lot of yelling from her.

Good thing we're all used to everyone around here being LOUD.

I've found a new napping spot - Finley's jacket basket. Ya know the saying, if I fits, I sits. 

And I fits purrfectly.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Flower Friday

Hi pals!

Well, as ya can tell, we got an Easter update for da blog.


My grandma (AKA Bowie's momma) had surgery to remove another skin cancer on Wednesday.

We're purring that skin cancer stuff stays away (she's had to have 3 removed in da last 2 years).

It wuz on her right hand, but at least she can still open da cat food cans. MOL!

And for Flower Friday, we are showing off some of the flowers that are blooming outside. 

Our daffodils aren't as plentiful as usual becuz of our deep freeze last month, but there are some blooming.

And here's a pretty petunia!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Remembering Crockett


Hey pals. Well, we is watching da March Madness wif da mommas. Go Bruins!

Bowie's daddy's team didn't make it in. Guess it are March Sadness for Arizona fans, MOL. At least he has UT to cheer for. He's the right color after all.

And there wuz fried chikken tonite! 

That's something we can all cheer for!

The sun has also come back out so we've been making shure to get some window time.

And it are also da first day of spring today! 

I think this calls for extra chikken.

But today are a speshul day for another reason.

Today would have been Crockett's seventh birthday.

I miss my BFF and da mommas miss him everyday. 

He wuz such a good looking guy.

His ticked fur glowed in da sun.

He luved his momma so much.

And he made all of our pals laff wif his silly tongue pics. I miss ya BFF. Your time wuz cut short and life are just not fair.