Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Monday, March 28, 2022

Respect Your Cat Day


Yeah, it SHOULD be everyday. And ya know how ya show respect momma?? TREATS, that's how. Ok, that and HEADRUBS and becoming my devoted slave. Just sayin . . . 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday Selfies


Hey pals! It's Sunday so it's selfie time.

So my momma are now 2/3 of da way done wif da semester. She are SO looking forward to not having to teach at 8 AM ever again, MOL!

She had some BORING work parties to go to dis week - well, I assume dey wuz boring cuz I wuzn't invited. But den I heard dat one was ackshually nicknamed "ShrimpFest" - and what??? Not inviting da faculty cats just seems wrong, don't you think??

She coulda at least smuggled some shrimp home like one of da other professors wuz doing. HE came prepared wif a gallon-sized ziplock bag. My momma could learn a thing or two.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Biscuit Lessons

So I have been a busy guy.

I has been giving Bowie biscuit lessons. He needed a refresher course.

And I has been hangin wif Angelique too. Apparently, she turned into a biscuit maker as well.

So I guess dey are finally catching on!

I'm gonna miss these two when I go back to Lubbock tomorrow.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. CATrick's Day!


Happy St. CATrick's Day y'all!

We're all ready to pawty - how about some nip beer? I hear that's green, MOL!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I Knew It!


So whenever momma puts me in da car, I get worried. Worried I are gonna hafta go to da V-E-T. I never really cared until I had my urinary blockage problems - but now I get worried. And I was RIGHT. Becuz today I had to go to da vet. Ok, it wuz just for my annual checkup and it wuz not really dat traumatic, but still!

Yeah, I knew I wuzn't here just to see my pals.

But we has been havin fun. And we got some new spring bandanas!

And we've been doing PRETTY good on the treats front too. Including Monday morning BACON!

And there wuz chikken too!

And I got over my "decompressing" the furst day and have been acting pretty normal. Well, for me anyways, MOL!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Selfies


So I survived the ordeal of the 5 hour long car ride. And I'm back in Plano. I would like a day or two to decompress, but uhh, the D-O-G and Bowie don't seem to understand that.

Yeah, Bowie thinks I should be in the mood to play right away. Well, he didn't hafta be in da car for hours and be worried about going to da vet. Ever since I had all da problems wif blockages, momma thinks I are worried I are going back to surgery.

Angelique just lets me chill more. Momma says I need a lotta nip.

Maybe some bacon would help??

Friday, March 11, 2022

Spring Break?


So momma's Spring Break wuz sposed to start today. Well, somebody didn't tell Mother Nature dat it wuz SPRING break since there wuz snow here and some nasty ice stuff around Dallas. So we didn't get to go home today - we is sposed to tomorrow.

It's been kind of a tuff week for my momma - her grandpa passed away on Tuesday. So I've been making sure to give her some extra snuggles and headbonks.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday Selfie


Happy Sunday pals! Well, I had a pretty nice day hangin out wif my momma - she says we has a BIG ROAD TRIP coming up soon, so I'm thinking next week's selfie post might include some pics of Bowie and Angelique. I been hearin a lotta talk bout somefin called SPRING BREAK and my momma says she are more dan ready for it. See, I think she should just be like me and not do dat work stuff, but she says it pays for cat food and bacon, so I guess it are ok she does it. But it'll be good to see my pals again!

Saturday, March 5, 2022