Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy Mew Year!

Well, it's da last weekend of 2023 - as you can tell, football wuz being watched yesterday, MOL.

But today it are all about Mew Year's Eve - I'm thinking momma should crack open the tub of Temptations to celebrate, don't you?

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Caturday Fashion!

Meow, happy Caturday pals. Today I are showin off the new bandana my momma made me for Catmas.

Don't I look fancy?

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Boxing Day!

Happy Boxing Day!

The three of us celebrated in style.

Hope you got to enjoy a nice box today too!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Meowy Catmas!

Meowy Catmas!

Well, we waited for Santa Paws and he came!

And he brought us all kindsa good stuff!

I got lotsa nip toys and a new bandana.

That nip reindeer wuz espeshully interesting.

Angelique got presents too.

In fact, she actually had raided her present bag early and taken the candy cane out herself, MOL.

And I guess being cute makes up for being naughty since Bowie got presents too.

Even if he wuz hanging out in his cactus bed, MOL.

I guess nip are worth coming out for.

Meowy Catmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Pre-Christmas Caturday!

Hey pals!

Well, it wuz another busy week for da momma. 

She wuz finishing up wrapping Christmas presents, making Christmas cards, and packing. Oh yeah, and dat pesky WORK thing.

I wuz busy trying to keep dat snitch elf under control. Ugh, more on him tomorrow.

Anyways, yesterday I got loaded up in da 210 horsepower sleigh (ok, da V6 Mustang) and we made our way up I-35 to see my pals.

Yup, Bowie's been not-so patiently waiting for Santa Paws to come.

I wuz happy there were Christmas lights here too.

And Angelique is still trying to convince us that pretty girls deserve all da Catmas presents!

Oh, and here's a lil Catmas art for you!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Selfie

Hey pals.

Well, I finally got momma to take a break and let me do a blog post.

We has been busy this week! Ok, she wuz busy. Mainly I just meowed and napped, but it wuz VERY important meowing and napping.

Momma finished sending out my Catmas cards, so if ya haven't gotten yours yet, it are on da way.

We also sent out my Secret Paws present. Oh, and momma says she had multiple mandatory work trainings and multiple holiday parties too. She said she did a Secret Santa too and something called a White Elephant. I wuz hoping she'd come home wif a REAL white elephant since I get so hungry I could eat a whole elephant, but no. She came home wif a bottle of Jack Daniels, which I guess are kinda like human nip or something. BORING.

Anyways, I'm ready for MY presents.

Momma says I'll be getting em in just a lil over a week.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Not So Wordless Wednesday

So long time no meow.

Ok, lotsa meow, but not on here.

And maybe y'all are wondering why.

Well, Grandma and Brinley came to visit, and my momma wuz too busy wif visiting and decorating for Christmas to help me.

The dogs and I obviously helped a lot.

She's not done - she still needs to do the tree, but she is waiting for her momma to send her some speshual cords for her old Hallmark ornaments.

I'd prefur Grandma send BACON, but nobody asked me.
