Sunday, July 23, 2023

Abused and Abandoned!

OMC y'all! I has been THROUGH it.

Tuesday I had to go to da vet. Nuffin serious, just my rabies shot, but STILL.

Then I got loaded up in da car AGAIN on Wednesday.

I know Bonham, two days in da car in a row???

Well, it turns out I wuz going back to Plano to see my pals again.

Ok, I like seeing my pals, so Thursday wuz ok.

Den on Friday, my momma abandoned me!

And Bowie's momma abandoned him too.

Bonham said we don't know nuffin about being abandoned since Aunt Ally and Grandpa were here.

So Angelique had to share her momma while my momma went apartment hunting. She said she found somewhere good for me and Kinley - I'm just hoping it are close to da bacon store!


  1. We're so glad you are all going to be together again.

  2. Sorry you had a tough week. XO

  3. Oh my you poor little mite. Such a terrible week you had (giggle ) You have our sympathy * grin *

  4. You’ve been though it all, Travis!

    1. And I'm going to hafta put up wif a move soon too.

  5. Yikes, abused and abandoned...what a travesty...LOL!
    Glad your Momma found a good place...and we are sure its going to bacon accessible!

  6. How terrible to be abused and abandoned. Bonham looks very shocked too!

  7. You kitties sure went through some ordeals! Extra bacon should be provided immediately!

  8. We noticed you hadn't posted in a while...we tried to believe it was moving-related and not anything worse- so we are glad it was. We loved the pictures too.

    1. Yeah, just momma havin to go find an apartment.

  9. You all are adorable. Travis, we do think you'll be riding again soon pal.

  10. I hate going anywhere. Home is best. My vet does home visits. But at least you are okay and your human is looking for a good place for all of you to live.

  11. YIKESS! Beein abandoned iss not fun!! Butt you did get to see yore frendss Travis!
    So it iss you an Kinley an Meowmy movin to San Antone rite??? BellaSita allwayss getss efurryone mixed up ***silly BellaSita***!
    All THE best....youss' got this!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.