Monday, August 21, 2023

Mewsic Monday

Hey pals! Well, it's time for another Mewsic Monday. The theme dis week are songs about animals to commemorate da dog cat days of summer. So obviously, I picked songs about the most superior animal of all . . .

You know you wanna be a cat. Don't even pretend any different.

Uh, I hate to break it to em, but a black and orange stray cat are like 99.9% girls. Just sayin . . . 

Ok, maybe the black cat are an analogy or whatefurs, but it could be about a kitty who likes life on da edge, MOL.

Tigers! I guess it are a neon one cuz it are in Vegas. Either that, or it has been playin in my momma's eyeshadow. Guess it could be both.

A classic! 

Ok, I'm not Siamese, but this song is so me. Speshully da teasing da dog part, MOL.



  1. Good tunes Travis, love that Stray Cat Strut!

  2. We love the Siamese if you please...Hmmmm, wonder why!!

  3. Great choices, Travis. The second one says unavailable in my country, but looking at the comments it must be Stray Cat Strut. It used to be a favourite of mine at the time.

  4. Travis, you sure know how to pick 'em.

  5. Cute choices. I especially liked the old Disney songs. I guess that makes me young at heart.

  6. oh, I didn't realise there were so many cat to speak #HappyTuesday

    1. Yup, well, guess we a good source of inspurrayshun.

  7. Live the Siamese..such Sly devils. Straycat Strut is popular today. So is Who Let The Dogs Out...sorry. this is about cats. I enjoyed the listen and I did like that othe song from the Aristocats

  8. Mee-yow what a grate post Travis! Yore an honorary Siamese fore sure!!! Mee iss ackshully part Siamese....all tho' mee lookss like a black cat! An THE songss are furabuluss!!! Rock on Travis mee frend!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  9. Why am I not surprised that you picked cats for your song theme? LOL You did a stand up job, Travis! I loved the two Disney tunes probably the best because they remind me when my kittens were little. Thanks for pawstepping with the 4M gang. Have a boogietastic week!

  10. I loved the Lion Sleeps tonight, it drove my parents crazy when I played it.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. As much as I enjoyed The Killers and Janet Jackson, the Siamese cats won my hearts. Poor darlings indeed! Alana


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.