Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunday y'all!

I has had a nice weekend of watching da Oh-limp-icks wif da momma.

She likes dat swimmin stuff for some reason - I don't understand why anyone would wanna get wet on purpose!

I mean, dat water could mess up my purrfectly coiffed fur! 


  1. I am happy you had an amazing weekend! Did you get any bacon? And getting wet on purpose iz no funs!

  2. Very nice selfies. I like the gymnastics. It amazes me that they can do what they do.

  3. Love all the swimming and gymnastics stuff.

    Marjorie and Toulouse


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.