Sunday, December 7, 2014

Introducing Angelique

Hey y'all.  Did ya see how I mentioned we might be gettin a new amigo in my last post?  Well, it turns out we got a lil gray and white amiga.  Yeah, my momma's sister, Ally, got herself a kitten today.  Her name are Angelique Noëlle.  In case ya can't tell, she's fond of da French names, Maurice Louis and now Angelique Noëlle.  It means Christmas Angel - well, hope she ain't too angelic to where she don't wanna steal food wif me and and Crockett.  We hasn't met her yet, her momma are keepin her in her room for now till she gets adjusted.  But momma got some pictures of her for all my pals out dere in Blogville.

She are one pretty floofy girlcat.  Momma says dere wuz also dis Siamese boy at da Petco dat she wanted to take home, but dat she were "good" and didn't get him.

I wonder if Angelique are gonna like bacon too.  If so, I might need to ask Santa for even more.

Da peeps has been busy decoratin da tree today, well, dat are watchin da new kitten.  She are hidin out under da bed a lot.  Not like me who wuz out and about right away.

Anyways, Angelique are a cutie and all, but it wouldn't be Sunday wifout or Sunday Selfies.  And da return of Crockett's tongue for all you tongue fans out there, MOL!


  1. Congratulations on your new sister. I hope she adjusts quickly and you all have a fun Christmas together. Great selfies as always.

    1. She has come out once Ally turned off da blinky Chrissymus lights... we thinks it wuz sensory overload, ya know??

    2. Fanks! Angelique has been out sleepin on her momma.

  2. Congrats on your newest kitty! She is evfur so purrty!
    We love her name, how appawpriate, too!

    In the interest of staying somewhat on time, we sent E-Cards to all of our pals that we have email addresses for...that way if the snail mail is late well, we are stiull covered, MOL!

  3. Concatulations! She is a real cutie! We hope all of you get acquainted soon and look forward to all your adventures together.


    1. She's been comin out apparently - I still hasn't got to meet her, but she are out and about in her room.

  4. Oh! Angelique looks like a real sweetheart! But yeah, Travis, I think you may need to double up on the bacon request.

  5. Welcome to Angelique Noëlle, what a beauty she is! And awesome selfies guys, you are both so cute...that pic of Crockett is precious!

  6. Crikey Travis ...... that Angelique sure is pretty, aye?? You got competition, mate!! An Angel at your house ....... fair dinkum ...... I might just die laughin'!!!!!!!!

  7. Oh boy! Angelique is a very pretty kitty :)
    We purr she will fit in and have fun in her home with you boys.
    Yup, more bacon is in order!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. How lovely! Hello, Angelique!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. Welcome to Blogville to Angelique. We hope you all settle in together nicely. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. Oooh...Angelique is very pretty! Can't wait to hear how she likes hangin' with the boys...

    1. She seems pretty bold - she should fit in good round here.

  11. Oh I think Angelique is a doll!! I expect you two will show her the ropes pretty soon, eh!!! Xx

  12. doodz !! werd on de streetz iz ya getted a new sister....N we see ya did !!! AWESUM :) happee gotcha day Angelique & welcome two yur new for evers ♥♥♥
    ewe bee one gorgeous gurl ~~!!!

  13. Welcome Angelique ! You're a beautiful fluffy girl ! Purrs

  14. Congratulations on getting a new sister. She's very pretty. We hope you all get along...and she doesn't try to steal your bacon. :)

  15. What a gorgeous girl she is!!! Huge CONCATULATIONS!! xoxo

  16. Angelique Noëlle is gorgeous. We bet the two of you have lots of fun together.

  17. Travis I think Angelique is a pretty little addition to the home! I have this feeling she will be a fan of bacon too so with the THREE of you beggin' for bacon I can't see how you can miss! I bet she's "up" for those food raids you guys do too......Can't wait to hear more about her!

    Hugs, sammy

    1. Yeah, I are hope she are gonna be up for stealin food wif us. Momma says she likes to eat.

  18. Concats on the addition to the family. She is precious and adorable. Can't wait to see you two boys interacting with her. And what a purrfect name being she got adopted at Christmas time. Crockett, thanks for not disappointing us and making sure you were showing some tongue today. Thank you so, so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. What a pretty new sister you boys have! Love those good looking Mancat poses thought!

  20. Angelique is absolutely beautiful! Concatulations on the new furry member of your family :)

  21. Angelique is truly lovely! How exciting that she got her forever home just in time for Christmas! Lucky girl XO

    the critters in the cottage xo


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.