Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Texas Flood

Ok, so we's not ackshually flooded out like some of da peeps in Houston and Austin, but it wuz rainin again today and da streets looked more like a river dan a street.

So yeah, it kinda seems appropriate.

All da wet weather has been makin us run round like crazy and act mor frisky dan usual.  And it are sposed to keep on stormin for days and days.  So much for our drought of a couple years ago!!  And dis is sposed to be summer???

Angelique has been kissing up to my momma lately and cuddling wif her in da evenings.  Either she wants some more food outta her so she is bein nice since she knows my momma are still missin her fluffy princess Whitley real bad.  I's not shure, Angie being nice???  

Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day y'all!  Hope everybody had a good weekend - ours wuz pretty good since we got bacon and sossidge - yummy!!

Us kittehs spent most of da weekend nappin.  Course dat are what we does all da time, MOL!

Yesterday wuz Crockett's parents' anniversary - dey has been married for 34 years!!

Dey did a whole buncha boring people stuff - Crockett's momma made cinnamon rolls for breakfast (which she didn't even share wif us!)  Den dey opened presents, but nobody got feathers or nip, so I didn't see da point.

Dey also went to da movies and den dey went out to eat.  And didn't bring nuffin home for us!!  So it wuz kind of a snoozefest as far as I is concerned.  At least da movie dey saw had a cat in it momma said, so dat are somefin I guess.

Anyways, here are Crockett's parents and Angelique's momma all dressed up.

And my momma da selfie queen and Angelique's momma.  YAWN.  Since I let her put up these pics, I think I deserve some eggstra treats, don't you???

Friday, May 27, 2016

Flower Friday

Well, it wuz pizza nite at da casa da Lone Star Gatos, which meant sossidge for us!

And it wuz nomilishus!

We's hopin for bacon tomorrow - it shure are good to have da kitchen back in workin order!

Anyways, here are some of da flowers dat has been blooming round here . . .

Dallies, hibiscuses, and althaeas oh my!  Or somefin like dat . . .

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Primal Jerky Pork Nibs Dog and Cat Treats from Chewy!

Hey y'all!  Well, now dat da kitchen remuddlers are finally gone, we is able to do our Chewy review!  Dis month Chewy sent us da Primal Jerky Pork Nibs Dog and Cat Treats to review.  Yeah, ya read right - PORK!  And if ya has read dis blog at all, ya know me (and Crockett too) are HUGE fans of dat "wonderful magical animal" pork comes from.

Crockett already had his tongue hangin out.

Even Angelique wuz happy, I guess da promise of pork nibs made up for her havin to wear a dress yesterday, MOL!

Anyways, da Primal Jerky Pork Nibs Dog and Cat Treats are preservative, grain, and gluten-free treats made wif vegetarian-fed pork raised right here in da US of A wifout Aunty Bye Otics or added hor-moans (and yeah, I coulda spelled dat one worse, but I's keepin dis blog PG).  MOL!  Dey's slow-cooked at a low-temperature to give ya dat jerky taste and texture.

Da only ingredients are pork heart, honey, and sea salt.

Dey shure looks tasty . . . and dey is small enuf dat dey are good treats for us kittehs.  Dey are pretty hard though, so if ya prefurs soft treats, dey might not be for you.  It didn't bother us at all, but not much does, MOL!

I'm ready to test em out!

I luved em!  Who woulda guessed, me and pork treats, right??

Crockett wuz a big fan too!

Angelique liked em too - I think she might be on her way to forgivin my momma for makin her wear a dress.  

We's givin Primal Jerky Pork Nibs Dog and Cat Treats 12 paws up handsome happy pork-breath purrs!  And Chewy gets eggstra purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dis delishus treat!  Now me and Crockett need to figger out where da bag went so we can help ourselves to an afternoon snack.

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gots pork nibs?  Are I right or are I right??

Monday, May 23, 2016

Dress Up For Whitley

Our pal Dory is hosting Dress Up For Whitley day today - as y'all probably know, our woofie sisfur wuz quite da fashionista.  So all of Blogville are dressing up in her honor today.  And we wanted to thank all of y'all - it really means a lot dat y'all luved Whitley too.  I's rockin my lime bandana today for her.

And ya know, da women go crazy bout a sharp-dressed man!

Crockett picked a red bandana to match his razzberry.

Now momma wuz just gonna put a bandana on Angelique too.  But den Angelique had to go all Crazy Cat on her and try to claw her when my momma wuz just carrying her.  So my momma decided to give Angelique somefin to be mad about for reals, MOL MOL!

Angelique had to wear a denim dress dat Whitley won from da Critters in da Cottage - MOL MOL!  I think momma better get dat lil girl puppy soon dat she keeps thinkin bout if she wants someone to wear dat dress cuz Angie duzn't look too happy!  I guess dat are what she gets for givin my momma a hard time.  Just as long as I don't have to wear a dress.  Bandanas, hats, I'd probably be ok wif a vest. But my name ain't Bruce Caitlyn, not dat dere's anything wrong wif dat (it's ok Bertie, real men wear pink, I'm not too shure bout pink frocks though, MOL!)

Fanks so much to everybody who are participating in Dress Up For Whitley today. We luvs y'all!  Momma are havin a tuff time wif missin Whitley, yesterday wuz hard since Finley and Whitley always celebrated their birthdays together (well, when dey wuz livin da same place).  But it wuz da first time since Whitley passed away dat we saw Finley smile and seem really happy, so dat wuz good.  I guess gettin 10 toys and Whataburger will do dat for a pup.  Speaking of which, I can haz a cheezburger??

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Finley!

Today it are our woofie sisfur Finley's 10th birthday!  Yappy birthday Finley!  She'll be writin more 
bout her speshul day over on her blog later, but we just wanted to tell her to have a pawsome day!

Finley are gonna get all kindsa pressies, but da best part of all wuz dat we all got BACON dis mornin!  Finally!!!  We's no longer bacon deprived!!

Crockett's present wuz a birthday razzberry - what else from da Razzberry King?? 

I hope we get to share in Finley's birthday dinner too!  

Remember - Tomorrow, Whitley's pal Dory is hostin Dress Up for Whitley - for more informayshun, check out Dory's blog.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Flower Friday

Well, da remodeling guys are still here (yup, at 7 on a Friday nite) but da good news is dat are kitchen are almost done.  Da mommas still have painting and udder boring stuff to do, but supposedly it are sposed to be a funkshinul kitchen by tonite - which means bacon tomorrow!

And Finley's 10th birthday are on Sunday, so we's gonna need bacon den, right momma??

And maybe we won't have to be confined in da sunroom (our Angelique's bedroom for da antisocial princess) all day anymore?  Let's hope so and have some flowers to celebrate.

I's been promising some outside flowers for a while, so dat's what I's showin.  Even if I don't get to go outside and enjoy em.

We has tons of daylilies goin now . . .

We got some coneflowers too . . . 

A couple of irises are still blooming . . . 

A yellow rose of Texas . . . 

An amaryllis . . . 

And a couple of hibiscuses . . . 

Remember - Whitley's pal Dory is hostin a Dress Up for Whitley on Monday, May 23 - for more informayshun, check out Dory's blog.

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