Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Hey y'all!  Not much new round here, da mommas is still workin on strippin off da wallpapers in da kitchen.

Whitley are still not doing good, she can't walk at all and has been havin some shakin in-sa-dents.  I's gettin jealous of all da attenshun she are gettin, which momma says are ridiculamous cuz I still gets tons of attenshuns, but hey, I want more!

And if not more attenshuns, den at least more bacons?  Ok???


  1. MOL We never noticed the walls till you said the wallpaper is gone...the wall is in bad need of new wallpaper or sumthin'. You are handsome there in your selfie guy. I'm not a tabby so I just didn't pretend to be one.


  2. You pretty kitties please be patient and kind to Whitley. I'm sure your Momma will take extra special care of you too when you get old. Please send Whitley our good wishes. We hope you all get some yummy bacon too!

    1. Fanks. I are tryin - I's bein nice to Whitley, but momma says I's just bein eggstra demanding of her and she's stressed enuf. Whatefur.

  3. Hope you have a wonderful week & are nearly done with that wallpaper.

  4. Yes, do be patient with Whitley - you kitties are lucky because you have your health. Whitley needs more attention right now.

  5. Great selfies you guys......we're so sad about Whitley but she sure has the very best care there with your Mommas and you!

    Love, Sammy

  6. You three are looking mighty good. So sorry Whitley is still not doing well. We sure send lot of purrs to her. And big hugs to the Mom.

  7. It really breaks our hearts about Whitley. She is such a sweet, smart and adorable girl. She is always in our purrs and prayers. Please don't be too jealous of her, you know the mommas love all of you. You are all looking mighty fine today. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. It are just tuff, she are wif my momma pretty much nonstop. I's gettin attenshuns too of course, but I's a lil jealous. Momma thinks I mite also be upset bout her feelin bad.

  8. Love your selfies as usual! We are thinking of poor Whitley. Sending purrs xx

    Athena and Marie

  9. I'm sure you mum will sort some loving and snacks for you all,xx Speedy

    1. Yeah, she are usually pretty good wif da snacks.

  10. Here's hoping you all get extra hugs and food everyday. Maybe if you help Whitley you'll get even more. purrs and best wishes to all ERin

  11. Mee-you Crockett an Travis an Angelique mee hurried rite over when mee checked thee Bloggie Hop today! Yur all lookin grate there an Angelique mee has plentee of bacon if you wanna come over an have a snack ok?
    Sendin Whitley POTP!
    An hopin yur week goess well there.
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  12. Honey, lets go fur the bacons then. More other attentions when Whitley is better. xoxoxoxo

  13. Great selfies as always. We're sorry Whitley is stil having problems...we continue to purr for her.

    1. Unfortunately it seems like she are not gonna be gettin better.

  14. Aww sweetie your Mama loves's a hard time for her (((hugs))) catchatwithcarenandcody

  15. Poor Whitley. What did the vet say? Sorry you're being ignored—or not.

    1. We's takin her again later dis week. We'll let ya know how it goes.

  16. Oh Travis, me knows 'bout dat jealous thing, and ,e's really sorry. Me's sorry 'bout Whitley too. We's been a purrayin' big time and will keep 'em comin'. We's sendin' lots of hugs fur everypawdy and a few extra fur you.

    Luv ya'


  17. Hope you get lots of bacon...and you are all going to work hard to cheer up the peeps in your furmily, esp Whitley's Momma, OK?? We know you will cause you are all sweet like that:)

    Nice selfies, too!

    1. Does meyowlin work to cheer da peeps up?

    2. Um...maybe if you three do it in harmeowmony!

    3. Gotta get Crockett to join in - he are our Silent Sam.

  18. You all did a great job on your Selfies today, inspite of the difficult time you are going through with Whitley. We purray for a miracle and send Healing Pawkisses <3 <3 <3

  19. You 3 must have PhDs in selfies!!
    Hugs madi yoru bfff

  20. Purrs for Whitley! Shaking is no fun at all. Hope things get better soon.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  21. We send our best for Whitley and hope the shakes stop. Stripping paper is hard work guys!!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.