Friday, June 3, 2016

Flower Friday

We's still got da wet and gray skies round here, no sunpuddles for nappin in today.

At least momma promised sossidge later.  And I gots burger dis morning since momma wuz cookin it up for Finley.

Angelique are still sucking up to my momma - she are gettin up wif her and keepin her company EVERY night.  I's not shure how I feels about it, I mean, she are MY momma, but on da udder paw, I's not really a lap kitteh, so Angelique (and Crockett) wantin to sit wif her means she ain't grabbin me and tryin to make me do it.  I's conflicted I guess.

Anyways, even though it has been rainin all dis week, my momma did manage to get some flower pickshures for today . . .

Ok, enuf wif da flowers, I's much more interested in dat sossidge!


  1. You have the prettiest furs AND the prettiest flowers. Enjoy your weekend.

    AbbyT. Lab - flower and cat lover

  2. Very pretty flowers!
    We are happy to hear that you got sossige :)
    Hope you get more ;)
    We also purr the rain will stop!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Those are some pretty flowers, but you're right, Travis, bring on the sossidge!

  4. Those are gorgeous flowers. Glad everyone sounds so happy. You all have a great week end.

  5. You have a lot of gorgeous flowers.

  6. Such purrty pops of color with all the dull rainy times you are having.
    Hope you get some yummy bacon soon!!

  7. Crikey ...... VERY pretty flowers. Sorry about the rain. Hope it stops soon for you. Its raining, BIG TIME, here today too. BUT ....... we need it real bad. I'd almost forgotten what rain looked like.

  8. I'm not a lap cat either. Hope you got those sausages and the rain has stopped.

  9. The sun hasn't shown itself in three whole days! Just rain, that's what we've got. That cuddling thing is a problem, hard to watch your momma getting cuddles from other cats.

    1. Oh we forgot to say how gorgeous your flowers are!

    2. Three days? It seems more like three weeks here.

  10. Lovely flower pics!
    You kits and your humans have been in our purrs. Hope you are staying on high ground during all this rain.

  11. I bet you're tired of rain - we were a few weeks ago after days and days of it now it's HOT and I'm missing the rain - are we ever happy???? HAHAHA I love the photos of your Momma's flowers - they're gorgeous but you and I know they will never be as gorgeous as burger, sossidge OR bacon!!!! Have a great weekend.

    Love, Sammy

  12. You are your mom's most beautiful flowers.

  13. Gorgeous flowers ! We're glad to hear that you got some sausage. Purrs

  14. The flowers are gorgeous. Your yard must be beautiful. We didn't know about the flower Friday blog hop. Hope y'all have a great weekend and join us for Sunday Selfies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Yeah, one of Whitley's pup pals hosts it every Friday.

  15. your flowers are beautiful, Travis! but yeah, sossige proly tastes alot better :)

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  16. Beautiful day lilies! Ours won't be blooming for at least a couple more weeks. But the irises are in full bloom.

  17. Wow! These flowers are lovely. Bentley and Pierre would love to smell them but sausage always wins to sniff test.

  18. Those are some pretty flowers you guys have growing...BUT I am with my the yummy sausage!

  19. Kitties just luv high places. My Yellow use to walk on the top of the bathroom door.

  20. What beautiful flowers! Looks like your peep likes daylilies a lot and grows them super well, for sure. Purrs, Seville.

  21. You know, I'm a total cuddler and am usually right in Momma's lap. But sometimes I want to stretch out on my own...but then my kid sister has the NERVE to go sit in Momma's lap instead! So I jump up and shoulder her aside, then when she's found a new spot somewhere ELSE, I go lie back down where I want. You've got to show them who's boss. :)


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.