Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all da daddies out dere.  Me, I don't really has a dad (momma says Ryan Lochte are kinda busy wif da Olympics and stuffs right now, MOL, she really are a funny one).  But I does have a grandpa (he are Crockett's daddy) and dat are pretty good - he gives out some pawsome ear scritchies and belleh rubs!  So happy Father's Day to him!

He had a pretty good day - my momma made crabby cakes eggs benedict for his brunch (I got some of dat crab last nite) and I heard somefin bout shrimp enchiladas tonite - I are gonna be in da kitchen beggin for shures!

Udder, dan dat, he opened presents (he got lotsa movies and a book).  Den da humans spent some time in da pool (I don't get dat one at all) and dey came in and watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  I'm much more interested in when da shrimp cookin are gonna awaken, if ya knows what I means.

Crockett has just a lil razz today, he calls it his "church tongue" and since it are Sunday, it are way more appropriate dan porno tongue.

Angelique are just waitin for tomorrow - somebody are turning 2!!


  1. They spent time in the pool? In it? Like, in the water and stuff? And that was for fun? MOUSES! Seems like a weird way to celebrate, for sure. Again I must say, MOUSES!


  2. Y this is like a holiday fur ya'll too Travis. What with all da yummy goodness you be gettin'. Happy Father's day to your grandpa and Crocket's daddy. And happy early Meowday to Angie.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  3. I love The Wedding Singer! Happy Father's Day to Crocket's Dad and your Grandpa!We will be back for Angelique's b'day.

  4. We do not understand the human obsession with water either :/
    Good to see the Dad being spoiled on Father's Day :)
    better yet that you kitties got some tasty bits. Here's hoping you get more!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. My momma are truly obsessed - everyday in da water. WEIRDO.

  5. Happy Father's Day to your grandpa. Looks like his day started out great.

  6. Happy Father's Day to your grandpa!

  7. We also do not understand when our pawppy shaves off his whiskers each morning...why, he should be using them to guide himself though doors and stuff like that!

    Glad you all had a pawsome Father's Day with your Dad/Grandpa

    Happy Early Birthday #2 to Angelique!

    1. Yeah, da peeps do a lotta things dat don't make any sense.

  8. Crab and possibly shrimp? Well who needs a dad, when you can share one like that! Happy Father's Day!

  9. Crabbies and shrimps??! OMD/OMC! You are soooo lucky!!!!
    Hey, did you ever gets any bacon??? I was dreamin' abouts that last night and was hoping there was leftovers....hello???
    Anyhu, tell your Gpa HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!! I hopes he had a most FABulous day!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Angelique, you and C.J. are sharing a Birthday tomorrow. May you have the most meowvolous day with lots of treats, love and cuddles. Mom almost choked while laughing at the church tongue versus porno tongue comment. Happy Father's Day to the dad/grandpa of the house. It sounds as if he had a terrific day. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. It sounds like there was LOTS of good food happening on Fathers Day - paws up!

  12. Happy Father's Day to your Grandpa! Sounds as though he had a purrfect day :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Yup, yummy foods, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, pool time, a pretty good day.

  13. Oh I know your Grandpa enjoyed all those wonderful foods and presents from all of you. I hope you got plenty of crab and shrimp out of the deal too!

    Hugs, Sammy

  14. Hope you had a great Father's Day!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  15. Happy Fathers Day
    I is droooooling at the faught of all them foodables, yum, yum!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  16. Happy Father's Day to your Grandpa! Those are all lovely selfies.
    Early happy birthday to Angelique as I am not aloud to visit every day.

  17. Crab and prawns? My Toffee says she is packing her bags to fly across the Atlantic from Britain to live with you.
    That's Purrfect

  18. the mama looks for the next flight to you... she would do anything for eggs benedict :o) happy Fathers Day to your Daddy!

    1. It are our celebrayshun brunch - we has it pretty much every hollyday. Well, every one da mommas does a big brunch for.

  19. You get all that extra food? Really! My chef doesn't give me anything says I'm around to much, or at least I think that's what she said! Hope you all had a wonderful fathers day. purrs ERin

    1. Yup, my momma are pretty good at sharin. Of course, she could be better.

  20. Looks like Crockett's Dad is doing triple Daddy duty (until Ryan is done at the Olympics, anyways... ;-))!

    We hope you gots some shrimpies!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  21. Porno tongue! MOL Sounds like your family had a great Father's Day.

  22. MOL at da CHURCH tongue! Heee! We didn't get the dad anything over here - mainly cuz our mom is soooo lame (and claims she's been working elebenty zillion hours launching that new entertainment channel at work - WE think it's NO excuse, right???)

    1. Yeah, no eggscuse. Pawsonally, I don't care bout da presents, but da foods stuff, dat are important!

  23. That looks like a wonderful Father's Day and some beautiful Selfies too :D Pawkisses to you all :) <3


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.