Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Mewlo everybody!  Da mommas has been bizee decoratin - my room are all done and I am one happy kitteh.  I luv da twinkle lights - I could just sit in there and stare at em for hours!

Next up are da tree and da outdoor lights.  Our tree takes DAYS to decorate - loaded wif ornaments duz not even begin to describe it.

We wuz so sad to hear about our pal Fiona going to the Bridge.  We're going to miss her pretty self so much.  It's been a tuff week.

Our selfies dis week are for you Fiona.  Hope ya like Crockett's razz.


  1. Your tree sounds like it will look lovely. Those are nice selfies to dedicate to Fiona.

  2. You know Fiona loved that razz! And you as well. You are so gorgeous, each one of you. I keep saying it but it is true each time.

  3. Meowllo gawjuses. Me luvs da twinkle lights too. But we can't have baubles on da tree this year, fanks to Raena. :( Dat's okay, least we have da lights. Hugs to all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  4. It's been a heartbreaking week. These losses seem even worse at Christmas :(

  5. Good to hear that your home is looking festive.
    That means there will be lots of things for you kitties to play with ;) MOL!
    WE agree that it has been a sad week. Way to many Bridge crossings :(
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    Thank you for your kind thoughts for Treasure.
    We miss him.

  6. Hari OM
    ...and not to mention decorating the bloggy! A lovely tribute to passed furiends... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Yup, my momma changed all da bloggies around today.

  7. Loved your selfies gang. My mom just started will take up to New Year's eve to finish the decorating. MOL


  8. Travis an Crockett yur xpresshunss are priceless an Crockett that razz iss purrfect! An Angelique you look purry purr usual.
    It iss so sad about Fiona.....this week has been too much fur all of us.....
    Fankss fur beein here!!
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  9. Crockett, you know we all love a good razz, and surely Fiona was looking down on that one and smiling. Thanks for mentioning her here and showing the lovely badge Ann created. We will answer all the comments on our post during this next week. Enjoy all your Christmas decorations. Thank you for hopping. XOCK, Mom Janet, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. Great selfies...and raspberry. We don't even have our big tree up yet...just a little ol' scrawny one in the family room. We don't know when the big one will go up.

    1. We just got da big one up - not decorated yet, but it is up.

  11. Very nice selfies. I can't wait to see your tree.

  12. Wish I had lights in my room! We are heartbroken about Fiona xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  13. Nice selfies, you guys! Refreshing after so much bad news this week. :-(

  14. Fiona is one pretty angel now...but its so sad that she had to go to the RB so young. Sheesh.

    Your selfies are nicely done in her honor.
    Petcretary is slowly getting some decorations up...but her heart is not too much into it, as she has to work both Dec 24 and 25...and her new prelit tree for convenience does not work purrpurrly...bummer.

  15. Lovely selfies
    I is finking this Chrismas thingy is great funs...all those extra toys to play wiv....what Mum..."Don't touch???" Really, why put thingys within paw reach then!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. "Don't touch" means don't touch when they're looking.

  16. We love the way it looks with just the Christmas tree lights on at night. But I don't understand why Momma puts all the pawesome bell ornaments up high where we can't ring them!

    1. Yeah, we get told not to climb da tree round here.

  17. You have two trees? WOW! I haven't one, though peep does say I bring in enough vegetation during the year to make a small bush... but I don't think that counts at Christmas! I love your selfies, and I think all our lost pals would too. purrs ERin

    1. We ackshually have 3 - 2 baby trees and da BIG one.

  18. Fantastic selfies as always.

    We shall miss lovely Fiona :(

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  19. You three look great.
    It has been a hard week around the blogosphere. Sending lots of purrs to all our furriends.

  20. Did they bring in a tree for you to climb?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. Sounds like Christmas is sure coming to your house. Maybe you can have some great fun knocking the ornaments off the tree. You all are sure looking good.

    1. We don't really knock da ornaments, but I duz try to eat da tree.

  22. Super selfies!
    Have a great week...

    Noodle and crew

  23. Beautiful selfies. And beautiful words. I think we're all just overwhelmed for poor Fiona.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  24. For a second, I thought there was no tongue on Crockett's selfie....then I looked more closely and was relieved to see that cute little sliver of tongue!

  25. Oh I'm sorry to tell you but mom kisses all your faces...I hope you have had the human cootie shot
    Hugs madi yoru bfff

    1. MOL, we luv kissies. Well, at least me and Crockett do.

  26. I hope you enjoy your tree, we are so late getting ours up *eeeep*

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  27. dooz, our hearts hurted a lot too, with the news about Fiona.
    Your mamas are a LOT further along than ours. NO decoramationz here yet!

    1. Yeah, dey's pretty much done now. On to da cookin!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.