Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday Selfies

So I WUZ happy today.  Back before da de-decamoramatin began.  My momma took down all da Catmas lights in our bedroom!!  And all da Catmas decomorayshuns.  Ok, she did put up three strands of white twinkle lights around da bed.  But it are just not da same.  So she are lucky I took my selfie dis mornin back when I wuz a happy kitteh becuz I wuz gettin to model my new bandana.

Yeah, Crockett, de-decomoratin deserves a razz.

What Angelique?  Dere are still Catmas lights in YOUR room?  Ok, I knows where I are headed.


  1. All our decorations are gone too. We liked having that tree in the house. Now it’s gone. But we still have our tissue paper!

    1. Our tree are still up - de-decamoratin takes DAYS round here.

  2. It's always a little sad when Christmas is over.
    But...Valentine's is coming up son ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Yeah, TBT undid our little tree yesserday... It was a little sad.

    1. Our tree are still up - it are comin down dis week.

  4. My human has at least one photo session planned for me and the tree, so ours will stay up until it's done!

    1. Ours is coming down soon - but it'll take a while.

  5. But wasn't it fun watching her take everything down? Dashing bandanna by the way!

  6. Oooh do make the most of those lights, as it will be a long time before they're back again.... Still on the plus side maybe your mom now has room to dd some Easter lights.... if they make such things?
    Toodle pips

  7. Love your stylin' bandanas and while I'm sorry the lights and decorations are gone at least there's one little "haven" where there are SOME lights. At least you won't be "light starved" like you are "bacon starved" !!

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. You gettin' to keep at least one set of Christmas lights up? EXCELLENT. Our tree is still up. Peep'll be lucky to have it down by February. MOUSES!

  9. Lookin pawtastick inn yur bandanass' Travis an Crockett an Angelique! An Crockett that razzberry sayss it ALL!!
    Wee nevurr deck-orated because mee keeped trashin fingss....maybee next year....
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  10. At least you had lights fur a time Travis. Mommy never got 'round to puttin' ours up this year. Hmmmmpht Glad ya'll got bacon again. Luvved your Caturday art. Big hugs fur all. Enjoy what lights ya' do have. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  11. Crockett, I'm really liking that selfie!

  12. Great selfies. Our tree is still up, I may take it down tomorrow.

  13. Fantastic selfies guys, and we're loving your bandannas - EPIC!

    All our decorations came down too, we're thinking of reinstalling them asap! MOL

    Wishing mew all a supurr week

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  14. Hey day taking down da decamorations? awwws... already? you all look your bestest in your mew bandanas! Love the razzy about taking down all the stuffs. The Mom leaves the nativity up all year long so her can find her keys... with baby Jesus. Purrz from Oreo who likes sitting next to Baby Jesus and Mom's keys.

  15. The lights are pretty and with a new bandanna it is a good look on you!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. The lights came down on 12th night and the place here loses a touch brightness. You have our sympathies guys.

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  17. We watched that happening here too...and now its all boxed up till next time...hope it hurries up and gets here, soon, MOL!!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.