Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Meow!  I has anudder poem for y'all today - dis one are all spring-like.  And it wuz inspired by dis photo.

Flowers are so pretty
Seein em is a treat
But momma always says
I can look, but can't eat
But I is stubborn and 
I munch on the flowers
And suddenly gackin
Is one of my powers
I'll stick to watchin blooms
If momma starts on makin
Me some tasty fish, shrimp
Chikken, beef, and bacon!

I'm really da only plant-eater here - and it duz make me gack it up.  Crockett duzn't bother wif tryin to munch on plants.

Neither duz Angie.  But me, I try to eat everything.  Don't even get me started on Easter grass . . .

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Fancy Feast Purely Natural Filets from Chewy!

Howdy pals!  Da Easter Wabbit are gettin ready to make his way down Hippity Hoppity lane (didja notice my jelly bean bandana).  And we all know he brings candies for da peeps, but what bout da kittehs??  Well, da Chewy bunneh delivered big time - wif Fancy Feast Purely Natural Filets!

We wuz three eggcited kittehs to get to review these filets!  

These 100 purrcent wild Alaskan salmon filets are da purrfect snack, treat, or meal topper (dey are not a nutritrishunally balanced kitteh food, so ya should still be eatin dat too).

Dey come in 10 individually wrapped 1 ounce packages - makin em very easy for da human slaves to distribute (no eggscuses momma!)

Da Fancy Feast Purely Natural Filets are high-protein snacks dat can be served whole, flaked, or as a food topper depending on your preferences.  Dere's about 32 calories per filet.

I got mine as a mid-morning snack - and I luved it!

Momma tried Crockett's flaked - he wuz also a big fan.

Angelique took a big whiff of fishy goodness before she got to eatin hers.

We is givin Fancy Feast Purely Natural Filets 12 paws up and 3 happy kitty purrs.  It wuz delishus!  Now we need to try da udder varieties - dere are chikken, chikken in tuna broth, tuna, and oceanfish.  As always, Chewy gets 12 paws up and 3 purrs for fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dis delishus snack!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs money when ya got salmon?

Monday, March 26, 2018

Mancat Monday

So, umm, Crockett has some definite opinions about Mondays.  And dey deserve da RAZZ for shures.

Dis Monday wuz ok wif me since I got some sun time and some treats.

Angelique are still not approvin of Mancat Monday.  GIRLS, am I right??

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Selfies

Mewl-o y'all.

It's been a pretty good weekend for us.

And it wuz definitely helped by some Caturday morning bacon.

Da humans has been busy doing cleaning and re-organizing.

Which are mostly boring, but sometimes dere are boxes involved!

In udder news, da DAWG seems to be gettin better - her swollen lump around da incision from her spay surgery are going down and she are gettin to go on walks again.  Which makes her SLIGHTLY less crazy.

Only slightly though.

Now we is just tryin to figger out how to get da humans to cook somefin tasty (and shareable) for dinner.

Maybe Angelique's Princess Fluffy face will do it.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Happy Thursday Purrsday!  I has anudder poetical poem for ya today.

You'd have to be really brave
To want to explore this cave
Bears, raccoons, foxes, and bats
Wolves and even wildcats
Could all lurk in this grotto
Watch out! are da best motto
Spelunkers, dey has some guts
Or maybe dey is just nuts!

Do y'all like to explore?  Us kittehs do.  Although da only "cave" any of us really have gotten to explore are UTB.

Ok, and UTsideboard too.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Crockett's Birthday!

Today it are Crockett's fourth birthday!

And it's been a fun day so far - eggstra treats, new toys, lotsa cuddles, and even a new bandana!

Musta been some good nip (and silvervine) in dat shroom.

Ya wanna share buddy??

I think Angelique are gonna MAKE you share.

Happy birthday to my BFF and da best brofur an orange guy could ask for!

And thanks so much for da pawsome birthday card Pipo and Dalton!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Fresh Step Clean Paws Litter from Chewy!

Happy Monday y'all!

Today we is talkin bout litter.

Low-trackin??  Dey musta heard bout da mess you like to make Crockett!

Ok, it won't help wif da litter flingin.  But you and Angelique are trackers too.

She make look innocent here, but she are not!

Hey, da kitties on da box even look like us!

Da Fresh Step Clean Paws Low Tracking Litter is a low-tracking formula designed to stay in da litter box.  Dere are larger litter particles dan your normal litter.  But da clumping function are not compromised at all - easy scoopin are promised.  And delivered (says da momma).

Dis litter comes are supposedly powered by Febreeze, so it does have dat Febreezey smell.  It promises odor-fighting protection for 10 days, but our slaves scoop everyday.  10 days??

Momma says dere wuz no dust when she poured da litter in (definitely a good thing).  And da litter particles are bigger, which duz seemed to have reduced litter tracking.  We won't show ya pics from our test of da litter, but da three of us are all happily using it.  Dere is definitely a Febreeze smell to it, so it wouldn't be for kittehs who dislike scented litter.  But da Fresh Step Clean Paws Low Tracking Litter definitely works for our multi-cat household and we is givin it 12 paws up and 3 happy kitty purrs.

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the litter for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  I coulda used some bacon (after all, it woulda helped me come up wif a "test subject" for da litter), but I's not complainin.