Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Selfies

Well, it's Sunday, so what better thing to do dan take a selfie?

Well, dat and get stoned.  I has been hittin da nip HARD lately.  And it makes go even more cray cray wif da meyowlin.

I says, if we has to live wif three terriers, we all deserve LOTSA nip!  Oh, and a very happy birfday to our pal Allie (didja know Angelique's momma are also named Ally?  She are a lil older though).

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Caturday Art

Welcome to anudder late nite edishun of Caturday Art.

We's all gettin our art on tonite.  Ok, well, I are mainly gettin my nip on (and meyowlin bout it A LOT).

And it wuz a Bacon Caturday for us - which means 3 baconatins dis week!  I fink it are some kinda record.

But hey momma, records are made to be broken!

And we is just da cats to help out.

Momma drew anudder cartoon of one of my furiends today - Webster from The Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles.

If ya'd like to be cartooned by my momma for a Caturday in da future, let us know!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Flower Friday

Mello pals!  Well for today's Flower Friday we is gonna show ya some of da flowers da mommas has growin outside.  

Well, ok, it are mostly Crockett's momma since she are da gardener.  But my momma did help wif some of da plantin and stuffs.

Lotsa irises are bloomin right now.  Dere are different areas for different animals - an orange area for Charlie and Hank, a purple and white area for Maurice, a black (or dark purple) and orange area for Jezebel, and a white and pink area for Whitley.  

So even when da animals are no longer "here" - dey are always here and helpin da garden grow.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Well, since dere wuz no birfdays today, we didn't get any bacon.  Ok, I guess dere wuz birfdays today - I means, dere are birthdays everyday.  But momma says no one in our family had a birfday (apparently, da old woman in Oklahoma do not count), so we did not get any bacon.  But even though dere wuz no baconatin, I still are gonna treat y'all to a poetical treat.  Cuz I are just dat kinda cat.

Dere once wuz a elf dat lived in a tree
His job - bakin' cookies for you and me
He wuz a success when he got da tip
Da bestest cookies contain lotsa nip!

I know Angelique could go for some nip cookies!

And wif dat razz, my orange BFF looks like he has been hittin da nip hard.

And our westie sisfur are gettin back to bloggin - be shure to check her poetical rhymes over at Finley and Brinley's Short Tails.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Happy Birthday Brinley!

Anudder day, anudder dawg sisfur's birfday.

Today it are Brinley's birfday - she are two too.  Well, not a tutu, although she are wearin a dress.

Dere wuz birfday bacon for all.  So, can we keep sell-a-bratin dawg birfdays constantly?  I even heard a room-er bout birfday STEAK.

Brinley are a pretty good pup as far as pups go.  Not as CRAZY as her cray cray cuzzin (yeah, dey is actual cuzzins) Kinley.  And she duzn't chase us unless we want to play.

So happy birfday Brinley and fanks for sharin you birfday yumms.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Weruva Cats in the Kitchen Variety Pack Pouches from Chewy!

Hey y'all!  Well, we got a break from doggie birthdays today, but we didn't get a break from tasty noms.  Today we got to try da Weruva Cats in the Kitchen Variety Pack Pouches from Chewy.

Cats in da Kitchen?  Dat's one of our FAVORITE places to hang out!

Da Weruva Cats in the Kitchen Variety Pack Pouches has 12 3 oz pouches in six different flavors.

This grain-free high-protein food has a variety of tasty ingredients like cage-free chicken, wild-caught tuna, and wild-caught mackerel.  Each flavor has real deboned meat in gravy.

There's no grains, glutens, GMO-ingredients, MSG, or carrageenan.

There are 6 flavors - Pumpkin Lickin' Chicken (chicken in pumpkin soup), Chick Magnet (chicken and mackerel in gravy), 1 If By Land, 2 If By Sea (tuna, beef, and salmon in gravy), Love Me Tender (chicken and duck in gravy), Mack, Jack, and Sam (salmon, mackerel, and skipjack tuna in gravy), and Pumpkin Jack Splash (tuna in pumpkin soup). Each pouch has 53 - 70 calories (depends on da flavor).

It shure looks tasty!

I wuz one happy cat in da kitchen eatin my breakfast!

As ya can tell, by da dark orange head, so wuz Crockett.

Angelique chose to eat in her room - guess da girl likes dining wif a window view.  She wuz meowin for seconds in no time!

We is givin Weruva Cats in the Kitchen Variety Pack Pouches 12 paws up and 3 happy kitty purrs.  It wuz delishus! One note of caution - it are best to use a whole pouch at once since dey are not re-sealable.  Not a problem for us, since dere are always multiple cats wantin to eat.  And hey, I'd take 3 ounces at once.  But if ya is an only kitty and don't eat 3 ounces at once, it could be an issue.  And make shure da momma (or daddy) is careful when he opens da pouch - ya don't wanna miss out da tasty gravy. As always, Chewy gets 12 paws up and 3 purrs for fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dis delishus food!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the  food for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs money when ya gots free food?

Monday, April 23, 2018

Happy Birthday Kinley!

Today it are Kinley's second birthday!  Happy birthday Kinley! 

I guess she are ok for a D-A-W-G.  And a sisfur.

At least we got some of her birthday bacon.  

Let's just hope we get some of her birthday dinner too!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday Selfies

Meyow!  I's a happy kitteh today - momma added some more lights to our room (cacti, trailers, and flamingos) so now I has even more lights to stare at all nite - good thing my momma is not one of dose peeps who needs darkness to sleep!

Crockett decided to show off his Church Tongue today - in case some of y'all are wondering bout da Church Tongue/Porno Tongue references - it are from Da Wedding Singer.

Angelique has been extra meowy today - almost as vocal as me! 

Guess she just had a lot to say bout Earth Day.