Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sunday Selfies

Well, we're wearin our Cowboys bandanas again dis week for our selfies - today we are wearin da white side and it seems to be bringin good luck (so far anyways).  

Crockett has a big razz for all da tongue fans in his selfie today.

And Angelique are showin off her sweet side wif a non stink-eye selfie. Wonder what she wants outta da momma???


  1. Is Angelique not a Cowboys fan, hence no bandana?

    1. Momma just couldn't find her bandana this morning - she had it on by game time.

  2. With such gawjus faces, we're sure ya'll will get whatever you want. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  3. You are looking adorable today, especially Angelique, with her coy loving and longing stare. A bit of tongue is always fun on Sundays, and Makes Mrs H gasp in mock aghast, MOL
    Toodle pips

  4. That is a seriously big razz from Crockett today! Angelique is doing a good job of making up for yesterday's stinkeye, and you are looking as handsome as ever, Travis.

  5. Pawsome bandanas and you two boys look so good.
    Angelique, you look very pretty.
    We really like your selfies.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  6. Angelique is so pretty! So glad you had a relaxing Sunday! - Tom x

  7. Great selfies ! Crockett, what a big raspberry ! Purrs

  8. Thank you for the lovely comments from you and your Pups on our precious little Diva.
    She gave Diva a new meaning. Each time I see a sun puddle or a box I'll smile. She gave me so much joy and I'm pretty sure she'd be royally UPSET if I quit blogging so I will be back ...and who knows an Angelic Diva will probably fly every so often too.
    Hugs and Proud to have been Mom of Madi

  9. With that bandana, Wally, maybe you could join the rodeo circuit? Or you could two-step with all the ladies. Winks.

  10. Those are some great selfies. The bandannas are terrific. You all have a great day.

  11. Always love the bandanas.


  12. How did you kids all get to be sooooooooo good-lookin'? We used to hate the Cowboys, but now that we don't care about the 49ers, we have mellowed on the Cowboys too. Go figure.

    1. MOL, guess it are kinda hard to maintain da rivalry level hate when ya don't care about one team anymore.

  13. We ALWAYS love the razz, and Angie does look so sweet today.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.