Saturday, April 27, 2019

Caturday Art

It's time for the Caturday Art blog hop!

Today we got our photos artsy-fied on Luna Pic.

This effect even gave Angelique some tabby stripes!

Well, we had a pretty good day. Caturday morning bacon returned (FINALLY) and we got some sun time dis afternoon.

We all got to wear our Spurs bandanas today - if they don't start playin better, it might be da last time for a few months.

Momma also has some Caturday art contribushuns. Here's her Caturday kitty sketch. 

Some of y'all might know she also does cross stitch. She finished this one last Saturday.

It's pretty cute I guess, but it has made her want a Siamese kitten (even more than normal, MOL).  Hey, I say, da more da merrier. But ya is gonna hafta make more bacon, cuz I ain't lessening my share.


  1. Mom Paula used to cross stitch, but she's impatient when it comes to projects. She likes to finish in one setting.

  2. @Sweet Purrfections - Yeah, it duz take a LOT of patience.

  3. You have great arts today. You all look kind-of serious.
    Mom really likes the cross stitch. She doesn't have the patience to do something so detailed.

  4. Cool art, and I REALLY love the cross stitch!

  5. @The Indulged Furries - My momma's done some even more complex ones - this one wuzn't too bad.
    @Summer - Fanks!

  6. WOW.....bacon, cross stitch, drawings but mostly BACON!!!!!! I really like the artwork too - this is a "bumper crop" of fun kind of post. Happy weekend.

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. What a gorgeous trio of Caturday artwork.
    OMCs I didn't know your momma was a crosstitcher. Those are some itty bitty blocks she stitched in too. That is gorgeous!!
    Hugs Cecilia

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  9. WOW! Your art this week is PURRFECT! You all look so gorgeous! And BACON! I love bacon! We were SUPPOSED to have it today, but Mom made To Die Fr Blueberry Muffins instead (that is what Dad wanted).
    I gotta say your Mom's Cross stitch made my Mom want another Siamese too! Not Me! (Must be a Mom thing)

  10. Such Cool Artwork of the three of you and that cross stitched pussy cat is very beautiful. Hope you get lots of extra bacon for the artwork, guys and girl😺 Pawkisses for a Relaxed Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  11. Your mom is really talented! Of course, her subjects are cats which she enjoys, too! - Tom x

  12. Lovely art from all of you, and the cross stitch is beautiful.

  13. Beautiful art. I like the drawing and cross stitch too. Your momma is talented.

  14. @Pam and Teddy - Yeah, da bacon wuz da best part!
    @My Mind's Eye - Yeah, she's been doing it since she wuz a lil girl.
    @C.L.W.STEP - Fanks!
    @The Swiss Cats - Fank you!
    @Marv - MOL, I think so!
    @Little Binky and Granny - Fank you!
    @Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty - Fanks!
    @Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) - Momma's never had one, but she's always liked em.
    @Fr. Tom Fishworthy - Good subjects help!
    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Fank you!
    @pilch92 - Fanks!

  15. We love Moms art and her cross stitch is very nice
    You both really look fine too.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.