Friday, April 24, 2020

Flower Friday

Well, we had a break in dog birthdays today, which meant no bacon today. 

But tomorrow are Brinley's birthday and we heard there are gonna be bacon AGAIN! And steak!

I guess it's worth keeping those dogs around if we get to celebrate their birthdays in such delicious style . . . 

Ok, it are also Flower Friday, so we are showing ya some more of the irises that were blooming today.

As ya can tell, we have A LOT.

This one below are in the Jezebel Memorial Garden.

And this pink one are in Whitley's Memorial Garden.

Yeah, there's only a bazillion more too. MOL!


  1. You are all looking bandanananna puurfect! And those flowers, wow.

  2. Sounds like you are all getting the good stuff to eat!
    The colours of the iris are beautiful.

  3. Those iris are gorgeous ! It looks like it's birthdays' and bacon's season at your home ! Purrs

  4. Oh how glorious- bacon, steak and such pretty, wonderful colors!!!

  5. OMCs you Lone Star Kits and pups have some gawgeous flowers.
    We had breakfast for supper last night which included Oscar Mayer thick cut bacon!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Yeah, doggos are good for some things. :) Enjoy the bacon guys.

  7. I'm sure tomorrow you kitties will be getting all kinds of yummy treats!

    The irises are very beautiful! We have to wait a few more weeks before our irises bloom.

  8. Treats in store...I prophecy that to you! MOL!

    Your garden is like a beautiful park!

  9. What gorgeous flowers today!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. Such pretty flowers! Don’t over do it on the bacon. Wait, what are we saying?? You can never over do it on bacon.

  11. What fun - birthday parties, bacon, steak and gorgeous blooms!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.