Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Selfie


So dis morning I wuz doing my Head of Apartment Ranch Security and I found a suspishus hidey hole on top of da fridge and under da cabinets behind a basket filled wif coffee pods. I MIGHT have briefly rested my eyes while I wuz investimagatin, but really, momma overreacted by pulling me down and saying how worried she wuz she couldn't find me. Maybe she just shoulda started makin da bacon quicker. 

Oh and if you're missin selfies of Bowie and Angelique, they'll still be appearing on da blog some. Both of dere mommas have da log-in info and my momma will probably be postin some pics they send her for things like Wordless Wednesdays and Sunday Selfies.  


  1. Yup! Humans tend to overreact sometimes when they can't find us.
    They think we are always sitting in the open.
    Often we are, but sometimes we need a quiet spot .
    It's fun to watch them looking for us when we are hiding in plain sight though!!! MOL!
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Just heard about your loss of Finley Rose and wanted to send healing energy hugs to you ~ so hard to lose our fur persons ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. You are such a beautiful cat. I am trying to catch up on things with the club and my personal computer things to do. I tried to send you information about joining the Tabby Cat Club and that bounced.
    my email address is:

    Here is the information that I need. You can send to my email address or post at the club under how to join the club. I will get your badge made and send you a request so you will be able to post at the club. We look forward to having you in the club.
    1. You must be a tabby cat
    2. You must have a blog let us know that link
    3. Your human must be 16 years of age
    4. You will need to email me. The link is on the sidebar of the club blog
    5. You will need to send in your email a full body photo of you
    6. You will need to let me know what your name us so I can make you a TCC badge
    7. Say if you are a boy or girl
    8. You will need to let me know your birthday date and gotcha day date
    9. I will need the name of your human. This will be kept private. It helps the mom here know who is who.
    10. Leave all this information on the How to Join the TCC Club.

    After you have send me your information be on the lookout as you will be invited to be an author on the Tabby Cat Club blog and also your badge will be sent to you. If you don't hear from me in a couple of weeks please get back in touch with me as sometimes the mom here messes things up.

  4. Stay safe with your exploring! Oh, and be sure to get lots of that yummy bacon!

  5. Hopefully Mama learned the lesson about bacon as an attractant. We hope you are adjusting to your new place ! Purrs !

  6. We hope you join the TCC it is a lot of fun! Bacon is a starter, middlerer, and ender of all meals Travis

  7. Don't get yourself into too much trouble, Travis...leave that to Bowie, MOL!

    Looks like the bacon was forthcoming, YUM!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.