Friday, September 24, 2021

Happy Birthday Ally!


First up, I want to wish a very happy birthday to my Aunt Ally - AKA Angelique's momma! I tried to convince MY momma we needed to have bacon this morning to celebrate even if it wuz long distance but for some reason she had yogurt and berries instead?? Weirdo.

But I did get to wear a new bandana today. And I kept my momma company while she finished da furst draft of her next article - it are over 22,000 words and does not men shun cats at all! I think she should specialize in feline law, as in, da feline are da one who makes da laws and dere are no separayshun of powers as the felines are all powerful . . . but for some reason she seem to get da message. Must meow louder!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Yeah, yeah, I know, it's Meow Like a Pirate Day.

But Brinley's MY pirate hat are back in Plano, so I just couldn't get in da spirit dis year.

First Mate Bowie got in da spirit wif a pirate bandana.

I don't know WHAT Angelique's problem wuz. I mean, my momma wuzn't there to make her wear da pirate hat.

Momma, remember to add a kitty pirate hat to your Amazon shopping cart. Too bad we don't have an Alexa, otherwise I'd meow da order myself.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

¡Diez y Seis!


Happy Diez y Seis to our neighbors south of da border! So happy I got to wear a hat today - can't ya tell?? Even if momma did claim da tamales wuz too spicy to share her favorito gato.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday Selfies

Hey pals! Well, I had a good weekend. There wuz bacon yesterday! YUM! I've been busy keepin momma company while she works on her new article, so I deserved it.

Oh look, we got a dispatch from Plano!

Looks like Bowie are enjoying his new bandana too!

And he's lookin good!

Hopin you're keepin em all entertained Bowie!

I think Angelique felt like doin a profile for her selfie.

And she showed off her new bandana too.

Lookin good Angelique!

Ok, I had to save da best for last. This are da other side of the new rocket bandana. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Fashionable Friday


Hey pals. Well, I are getting ready for da long weekend. Ok, I'm a cat, all weekends are long weekends. But I'm lookin forward to my momma gettin to hang out wif ME on Monday and not hafta go to work. Even if she are gonna be tryin to write anudder paper (sounds like some good nap time to me!)

I got a new bandana this week - it's gotta space kitty on it! Hmm, are momma sayin I are a lil spacey??

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day!


It's Ginger Cat Appreciation Day!

Finally! I mean, I think it should be EVERY day, but it is nice to have a day dedicated to you.

So, to all my ginger pals, have a pawsome day!