Saturday, February 26, 2022

Caturday Art


So, my momma has been watching all da news from Ukraine - it are just so sad. 

I are sending big purrs to all da Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian kitties. It must be horrible to have your home under attack. I know I don't like strangers coming in MY apartment and that Putin guy are definitely STRANGE.

Anyways, we did a bit of Caturday art to cheer up all our followers today.

Here's hoping for better days soon for da world . . . 

Friday, February 18, 2022



So I like Fridays cuz momma duzn't hafta go to work. Which means she SHOULD spend da whole day feeding me and playing wif me, right? Except today, she spend TWO HOURS grooming da D-O-G. Ok, da D-O-G didn't seem to enjoy da grooming, so I guess it wuz kinda funny. At least I got fed afterwards. And momma is happy to report dat da "cat food shortage" has not hit Lubbock, or at least no one else in town buys TikiCat. I also got to wear da other side of my new bandana today. Yeah, it's dogs again. but I don't mind dogs really. They are fun to rub against and tease.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

New Bandana


So yes, da new bandana are D-O-G themed. But it are ok, becuz da D-O-G has cat-themed dresses. And I just had to prove dat I can make dogs look good. I really are a supermodel, MOL.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day pals! I got new nip toys and a seabass dinner - I guess my momma duz LUV me. Hope you had a pawsome day too!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Super Sunday Selfie


So it are almost time for da Big Game - which means it are almost time for some snacks! I recommend LOUD and FREQUENT meowing for maximum snackage - if your humans are trying to watch da game, maybe dey will give ya snacks in a vain attempt to get ya to hush. It won't work (well, if you're anything like ME), but da humans might try. And speaking of Big Games - where da meow wuz da Kitten Bowl dis year? NOWHERE! But da Puppy Bowl plays on - dis seems like blatant discriminayshuns to me - maybe it are a violayshun of da Equal Projeckshun clause dat momma teaches bout in law school. Or somefin like dat. Oh well, I think da humans need to make it up to us cats EXTRA snacks and none for da dogs. REPARAYSHUNS!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Caturday Art


Hey pals!

I got an early Valentine's present from my grandma - a Valentine's bow tie! Since I'm gonna be such a dapper dresser for V-Day, I think this means I deserve a speshul mean. Maybe some bacon and shrimp topped salmon??

Momma says I has a good imaginayshun. Le sigh.

Here's today's Valentine's-themed Caturday Art.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Caturday Art


Hey pals! It has been a good Caturday for me - I got some bacon this morning and den I got some chikken when momma made up da dog's food - including LIVER which are my favorite! I just don't understand why she didn't gimme ALL da chikken. 

Our snow are mostly gone, but there are still some in da shady areas. I are just glad I get to stay inside and don't hafta deal wif dat!

Here are momma's Caturday Art drawing for dis week.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Snow Day


So we are snowed in! It are crazy cold out there - it feels like negative temps! And momma's school cancelled everything today, which meant she didn't hafta go teach da future lawyers of Texas.

Instead she got to hang out wif me! Yesterday she did a zoom class since it wuz starting to snow and I made a brief appearance in Con Law. Momma promised me da next time she duz a zoom class, she are gonna start wif holding me up to da screen and announcing "I'm here live, I'm not a cat, I'm a lawyer." I wuz thinking maybe I could rock on of dem old timey British lawyer wigs, but now momma are planning on an RBG-style lacey collar and a robe for me. MOL!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! It's the year of the tiger - ROAR! I think I'm looking pretty tiger like here - orange, striped, totally tuff . . . 

 I even rocked a tiger bandana to celebrate! And my momma is a "tiger" too - I knew she wuz part cat!