Saturday, June 18, 2022

Rainbow Kitties

Today we are showing off the brand new rainbow bandanas my momma made us.  

Since it are Pride Month, there are an explosion of all things rainbow. And since we're all in support of more LOVE, well, rainbow bandanas are purrfect.

And us kitties think the best way to express some love is by the sharing of your dinner wif your kitties . . . just saying, MOL.

Here's a quick Caturday Art drawing from my momma.


  1. Gosh, you are almost twins to those "westie kids" and now June
    can actually say "purrty" ... and again, your drawing is just PURRFECTLY adorable!

  2. Your bandanas are so cute! And you look even cuter in them.

  3. Those are furry cute bandanas - and yes, We agree about sharing love by sharing your dinner with your kitties (mol).

  4. Those are beautiful bandanas and you all look wonderful. XO

  5. Y'all look wonderful in those special bandanas! Love the cute art too.

  6. Those are some really cool bandanas!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.